Money is not the solution either.

A rogue thinker back in 1516 There are in any age those who lead the pack in thinking Sir Thomas More bringing the word and idea of Utopia to the masses was one of these people and while it was one of his lesser feats it is still a quirky little idea and his book Utopia has had a readership through out the centeries. Not that More is a personal favorite but this idea of utopia makes so much sense unless you are an elitist, then it's simply loathed. A society where we all are equal and all is made for the betterment of the society not for the profit of individuals. This idea has been around for a while in the circles of humanists through out the ages. Aldous Huxley wrote Island which is a fantastic story that transcends a purely utilitarian rant but contrasts one way of living with another. If we can agree that within the limits of physical laws any behavior is possible then it is only our imaginations that limit us by putting up barriers of fe...