On the road in India

Oh I have been watching nothing on the news lately. Not watching cable means I tend to become news deficient meaning that I don't cruise The Huffington Post as much as I used to because even my time on the internet has been parred down. But Today I caught the evening news and saw a report on the reaction to Prime minister Harper and his entourage having armoured vehicles shipped to India to use while in that country. How were they shipped? By C17 Transport. The cost is said to be $37,000 an hour to run one of these babies. I think it's probably cheaper to ship the three vehicles by sea but would take a much longer time and the crew and maintenance etc for the C17 would still be a cost but at least the PM wouldn't be using the resources of the Canadian public coffers. It is appalling to watch opposition parties run to the scrum and try to devour a frivolous point all of them squawking like Fort Mac Ravens over a Big Mac package lying on the roadside. Sure there is...