The McD chronicles pt1

Called the titlewhat it is because they have the easiest WiFi to connect to. I will give the McDs Canadian counterpart Timmies a try but so far The golden arches have given me hours of internet time for free. Yes the atmosphere is distracting but it is away from people I know and so in this flow of humanity I feel alone but part of something. Perhaps it's the McDonalds experience that I feel part of, the spirit of the noble corporation through its golden arches walks the painted corporate clown. He smiles and gestures not to piles of cheese burgers with extra cheese but to the philanthropic energy of the gracious corporation. Oh what a horrible fuckin creature I am, how can I suck up this hospitality and still find fault with the faceless, so magnanimous, corporation? Keith's burger. Well it is taking what is offered while pledging no real allegiance to the big corporation. In fact this very evening I had a Boogies Burger........AHHHHH the best burger i...