It's been along time

So I have been away on an extended vacation of sorts I've certainly vacated the blog world this hiatus brought on because I have been living out of suitcase for the last 6 months. Well here I am settled more or less in's in Canada! Why Lethbridge you ask, I have probably mentioned that my kids and grand kids are here but this is not the only reason that I have been drawn here. The area around the town had been marked by the native population at Head Smashed and to the south but not so much where the City of Lethbridge is now. but transient populations In town started as a mining outpost then in 1882 The first Galt company mine opened then the railway came bringing settlers to the west. The mining workforce grew to 2000 miners at it's peak with the mines around the area being the largest producers of coal in the north west territories. In 1957 the Galt No8 mine shut down and the end of an era came apon Lethbridge. Ba...