My foot's outside the door

I want to take myself back a number of years but with the tech that I have now. It would be amazing also fraught with horrible turns.....ending up in an "Area 51" being examined by the "Man"! What a fantasy and yet some would say that the tech we have now is from alien beings ! What I have to say about that is this. If aliens have been on earth for who knows how long, since the space time continuum is not fully understood by we humans, it is very possible that there are aliens among us and I would assume that they would be more technologically advanced and as such can make themselves known. Or Is this like a Dr. Who episode? Perhaps their silence is a product of some evil or divine plan involving earth. So if we are fore warned we would screw up this plan? Truthfully we know so little about the actual structure of the universe that truly anything is still possible. But it doesn't mean the pyramids' were erected directly by alien beings w...