Propostlogue: I sit at the screen and have a drink of beer contemplating what I shall have for dinner and I can't help but think of those humans that haven't even shelter let alone a beer fridge a car a computer etc etc So what you say and figure that you should bail now before I start telling you that we should open our borders wide and let those people come into our country or your country to get a better deal in life. I am not writing to do that as I do not feel it is a viable economic solution. I feel we need to invest wisely in the third world but not so much by migration but through mitigation. I am sensitive to the plight of others in places that make Canada look so good and it is that which keeps me very grateful to be born here and be white. I do truly understand how privileged I am by the virtue of those two facts and the third privilege is that I have a penis! I am missing fortune and fame but it is after all the western civilization where anything is possibl...