The times they are enragin

I started writing this on Oct 19 2020 and I couldn't help but think we have so many fires in the world and a shortage of buckets! So I'm going to look at a few of the issues which I think are important to North Americans specifically and the world in general. It'll be over a half dozen posts and this one has been very educational and that is what I aim to do educate myself. LOL Today I'll focus on the history of racial violence in the USA and why? Because I started to look at this subject starting with the Watts riot of 1965 and just kept going back and my lack of knowledge embarrassed me . As a white Canadian boy the history of the black population to the south was not in my frame of reference. The only thing I knew about black history was that the civil war freed the slaves and the modern condition of the Afro-American was shown to me through sit coms like The Jefferson's . I had no reason to explore the inequities of blacks in America becaus...