It's finally over.....AHHHH!

Oh isn't it nice to have this election over with? That noise from the south invading our northern headspace is over and done with. The system worked in favor of, depending on your bias, the party who should have won or the party most likely to whine about losing. I'm fckin with you. This is the democratic process at work and the irony is it might be the suspension of that same process which comes to fall on the American public because that process brought him back to the oval office a feedback loop of sorts. Mr T cares not about the American public so his policies will be dictated by his own perspective and it's one of a CEO, whatever is good for the country at that moment and if it's good for the country it's good for the CEO. As I have pointed out in the previous blog the d-man will behave as a populist dictator by using his office to interfere with opponents of any sort and reward handsomely his supporters. He is vindictive and holding the most po...