Oh isn't it nice to have this election over with? That noise from the south invading our northern headspace is over and done with.
The system worked in favor of, depending on your bias, the party who should have won or the party most likely to whine about losing.
I'm fckin with you.
This is the democratic process at work and the irony is it might be the suspension of that same process which comes to fall on the American public because that process brought him back to the oval office a feedback loop of sorts.
Mr T cares not about the American public so his policies will be dictated by his own perspective and it's one of a CEO, whatever is good for the country at that moment and if it's good for the country it's good for the CEO.
As I have pointed out in the previous blog the d-man will behave as a populist dictator by using his office to interfere with opponents of any sort and reward handsomely his supporters. He is vindictive and holding the most powerful position on earth this means he will be vindicated. The apparent majority in both houses will make it easier for d-man to change laws not only to malign all of his opponents but also to ensure the "party" remains in power.

It's said the d-man doesn't seem to think too far into the future, I doubt that's true, he has thought about what happens after this his last term, lol, he is only allowed two terms in office LMAO, so the fate of the party is of no real concern of his? Again I doubt it, he might introduce a law that lets him go one more term or worse JD rolls into the oval office right after Mr. T. I bet on the former mainly because he has mentioned it before and I see this as the re-making of the american political system bringing in the era of a fully corporate government, a
corporatocracy and it will not be as most voters believe it's going to be, yet it will be better in America than its neighbors north or south.
He is comfortable with his wee ponch! |
Beside the perks and hand-outs given to his friends and the hunting down of his opponents, mainly the media, d-man will have to make sure that the military heads are more or less on his side.
At that point he will push boundaries that he couldn't before both on the domestic and international stages.
I'm not sure but I think it is hard to tell where he will go policy wise with any group supporting him unless he has stated that this group or that will feel his wrath or blessing right after taking office.
As for Vance he was simply necessary and now isn't. EM would be far more compatible to the whole corporatocracy vibe and would love to be part of....A NEWS UPDATE! EM is going to be the director of something or other in the trump cabinet.
So it starts.
One is tempted to say the downward spiral but I'm going to say new chapter.
I am not being a fence sitter or Pollyanna about the state of affairs south of this border that I'm 40 minutes north of.
Truthfully The first time he was in power I thought more havoc would've been reeked upon the American public but he had co-vid and a lack of control over both houses.
This is different and I hope that the guardrails that keep the American public on a democratic road hold keeping them safe as Mr T tries to run them off into the abyss with that crazy fucin van that you would probably report as suspicious even back in the day. Anyway bon chance to our southern brothers and sisters. Good fckin Luck to us too.
Before I sign off I would like to say I was pretty sure He'd win and really the public had no other choice this is for two reasons one big reason was mis-information. It is far more complex than I had thought and you could see how the average voter might have been confused.. So that has one reason and as I wrote back in 2016 the second is needing some real change.
The voter will get some real change this time around!
The d-man will set things right and it's something that the public has been waiting for. Unfortunately the benefits of some policies won't really be seen at the grassroots level. Such as getting rid of immigrants in order to free up affordable housing which won't happen at least not in any game changing number but it will have a huge effect on employment and productivity numbers. Anything to be fixed will be something that directly relates to he himself. His fan base will really enjoy the attack that will be organized toward the media. They will follow that like a cat on a laser but he isn't in a small country where you go unnoticed so again the last episode of "fighting fake news" might be disappointing. On that note does it really matter what any other country thinks?
The truths and untruths are hard to unravel but in the end the american public has been left with the democratic system naked by the roadside waiting for someone to pick it up and try to mend it. With the cast of petty fools that swarm the public it will not happen, no, instead we will see a few sopping up blood while the rest whisper "it'll be alright" the good old wait and see scenario which means you watch as things change and it's too much info so you just step away for a moment only to return to a place you don't recognize.
Anyway that's all for now a new post coming up looking at the politics of my own country, o fck, should be a blast.
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