is the climate changing or is it not
really made some records
these past few years.
2010/11 has been the
wettest year in one part of the country.
The strongest cyclone in memory

came on shore just north of the area of Queensland that was hit with flooding.
Not unusual as there are cyclones that go through the area from time to time.
Then in another part of that southern continent they haven't seen much rain so it is one of the driest years in recent memory.

I don't think this one blip amounts to anything at all but when you have a bunch of blips it means something is on the friggin radar screen!
The time, if I read all the info correctly, is past for blaming climate change on one thing or another.
Certainly we should try to minimize our impact on the environment but not to the exclusion of the idea that we maybe way too late to turn this trend around.
The feedback loop created by snow and ice melt will most definitely speed up this change.
I am thinking that we should be thinking of and implementing strategies which tackle the issue of living in a changed environment. First a person has to come to a the climate changing or is it not.
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