I have been Occupied!
This has been one of the longest writes in my history. Not in the length of this but in the direction that my research took was the direction the article took which took time.
OK I'm just sounding confused.
I ended up writing two maybe three pieces instead of one.
The occupy movement is something that is not an "event" and I think the general population of north america has a hard time with that concept of something continuing beyond the week or two that mainstream media focuses on it.
Of course the Tsunami of recent memory or Katrina of yesteryear are by and large out of peoples minds because it is not in their faces. Can't blame them as there is another crisis, a movie star breaking down, tornado thru another town. People aren't stupid but rather are affected by the anesthesia of mindless drivel coming from their environment.
It seemed to most that the Occupy Movement came from nowhere yet it would be akin to stepping out of the mist for the numbers of us who saw this coming because we do not rely on MsM. Some of us could see the dark shapes in the fog. Others were surprised by this seemingly routeless mob milling about in the heart of the city.
Confused because it seemed to be leaderless.
Confident in the news media reporting it to be inhabited by the shiftless, causing filth and seemed directionless.
Political naysayers are frustrated because outrage is expressed without connected violence, if this continues the 1 percent will be doomed.
Confident in the news media reporting it to be inhabited by the shiftless, causing filth and seemed directionless.
Political naysayers are frustrated because outrage is expressed without connected violence, if this continues the 1 percent will be doomed.
So here after many months the movement continues largely misunderstood by most and ignored by many others yet it may very well be the next step for democracy.
Not a step back in time that tinges the image projected by some libertarians, all sepia tone with the warm fuzziness of a romanticized memory.
No what is needed is a new view.
This movement perhaps has it.
More an amalgamation of ideology, nothing written in stone,
not a power trip by a messiah lone.
If anything to me the feeling of this movement is more Buddhist in that we are all saviors, we all have some thing to provide to the society in which we reside:
We are the messiahs, the fore bearers of the world to come!
(That is the def. of messiah)
What evil force keeps them glued to the couch?
What's keeping them from getting their shoes dirty running around the front-lines of this protest?

Their relationship with the movement is, as you might say on FB, " complicated".
The people not physically there are the folks who are still working and waiting.
Waiting to see if the movement withers away under the harsh light of authority or if the seed breaks through and turns into a sapling.
The Occupy movement is going to have a big job in re-programming the population into becoming active and participate in a democratic system if this is to be a grassroots movement an anarchistic movement with no Leader and no extended or hidden agenda.
I use the term Anarchy
it is not really anarchistic
as I
read more I see what the suggestion is.
The occupations around the world are being organized
using a non-binding consensus based collective decision
making tool known as a "people's assembly".
From occupywallst.org
So the
What is this about?
What are the big ideas going through the assemblies
homes repossessed,
jobs taken to foreign lands
the people responsible
for the meltdown get bail out money.
Not only get money in the trillions of dollars but then made money with that money by selling it back to America.
The stimulus money thrown to the market has
been sitting, by and large
hoarded by the players in the market.
Having corporate rights revoked is something
that the general public hasn't thought much about.
My thought is that we need to move towards progressive capitalism and somehow reign in or dismantle the stock market there by getting away from the corporatocracy that we have in the western world.
In 1802
Thomas Jefferson said
"There should be a wall of separation between the state and religion"
He believed that religious freedom would be sacrificed
if the churches could lobby congress directly.
We should have the same separation between corporations and state.

By banning lobbyists the government will have the will of the people to work with rather than the wants of a group with money swaying elected officials.
A man that knows how bad the system really is would be Jack Abramoff if you want to know more click and search.
We must demand that people are enabled to be actively involved in the governance of the people and the government should be acting in the best interest of the people.
The list should go on as many perceptions that are maintained in our society are self destructive.
The things to change and what form they should take is dictated by the social political direction we want to travel.
To pursue the ideal of international law is far superior than the call of the wild where the sword is the only justice, might being the ultimate right.
With that we might change the idea of competition and stop wasting resources on silly things and put them to things that are vital to our species and other species survival
We might even get to a point where any decision made has no monetary value attached to it only a human one.
I have drifted yet again in my own sea of deluded Utopian ideas.
So can this type of democracy work?
The structure of this new system, what would it look like?
That is hard to say, really we are unlimited in our ability to communicate so it is concievable to have everything that is to be voted on be done with a pc, pad or cell phone and have a true representitive vote.
I had a very heated discusument with a young conservative about this very thing,
back in
Iceland: The country went from fishing to finance and made billions.
the crash came and they were Fucked.
From the ruined country with the oldest parliamentary system in the world came a cry for substantial change.
A new constitution was written, BIG DeaL, So What?
The big deal isn't that it was written but how it was written.
It was crowd sourced through the internet. Now as far as I can tell they still have the same system of government but this use of technology with a relatively small population is a rough sketch of how things could change.
More here just search Iceland at opensource.com
The democratic process no matter what form it takes is better than any socialist or anarchistic models that I have looked into. Both of these can be very effective when they are attached to a larger conventional system. The kibutzim, Mennonites, Hutterites and Amish are examples of a socialist group working in a capitalist shell.
I don't see anarchy working very well in this current age.
There are
Far Too Many
It will take a protracted conventional war by that I mean
100 years of horror and chaos until someone introduces the concept of liberty for the common man.
This is very unlikely,
more likely is that we will have destroyed, misplaced or misinterpreted all of the knowledge we have today.
In other words it will be lost. I just don't see a world where that change would come easily or be easily maintained.
More on Anarchy in the next installment.
There is a large question in everyone's mind in regard to the Occupy Movement.
Will it continue on?
It's very likely if it's supported the movement will evolve and grow in number.
Remember that this is not a political party so support could be cash to a food donation to creating a flash mob and posting it on youtube.
There is a large question in everyone's mind in regard to the Occupy Movement.
Will it continue on?
It's very likely if it's supported the movement will evolve and grow in number.
Remember that this is not a political party so support could be cash to a food donation to creating a flash mob and posting it on youtube.
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