Imagine that

I imagine a lot of things, I think about how this could be a much more forward moving and societally productive world, they are imaginings not conclusions.

 I have more questions than answers more thoughts than plans more ideas than formula.
I imagine that one day we will come to a realization that truthfully mans potential has been squandered by a measurement system.
That same system has in a very direct way sanctified the rape, murder,and subjugation of millions of people.
We deal with it every day.
I see it even here in this supposed economic oasis in which I live. Accountancy takes over leaving reality and truth in a twisted heap, the corporotacracy has only one motivation and that is the bottom line  and accountancy makes apples, oranges and dildos all the same through categorization, is this wrong or an outright lie, I don't think running the world by dollars is wrong it's just not effective or effective but only in a monetary sense. 
Is this bad????? are all of these crooks evil?

Are the same people who provide you with the latest Iphone, not just the physical box but the means to purchase the latest Android or Apple, the thirty foot boat or a luxury car bad people?
Are they all mobsters of some kind?
Truthfully 99 percent of us are criminal in some way, we all fit somewhere between the white lie and planned murder, we all have the capability to do bad things. So it comes to the degree of wrong or bad and we could go on but it would be horse shit. It would be me trying to shoot smoke....
We know what bad is and we know that these people by and large are not bad. They may or may not be broken souls but they're all part of a system that is broken.
Some of the 99% want to focus there energy on one persons actions and make them accountable and this punishment makes them as a group feel better. It's an Us and Them view while I see my crusade as being one of Us and It.

When it comes down to It 
It needs Us 
more than 
Us needs It.


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