2013 Full on Flux

I'm moving through the main stream as an observer. Not an intellectual or a true pure creator I am a borrower and sometimes a reflector of the humans around me. An inquisitor but I try hard not to be judicial my query is more to be an arbiter rather than an executioner. I am not right only the power over all of us can be right and this is not human power which I see is often misguided and unjust but the laws that govern all of us I would say the laws of nature rather than use the amorphous terms that you are used to. I see the pain of so many and it is doubled through people bringing this pain on themselves through dealing pain to others as righteous as they believe themselves to be. Do not be smug and think you are immune to the laws because you have a belief in this or that. You and I are only humans
prone to gross errors and imperfections our only salvation is to see that we are just that humans and in this space and time of are little consequence by ourselves. Yes some can and do affect and influence other humans but this is not that great a feat a much greater challenge to you is to understand that we are very very small and through this understanding we can and do achieve greatness. This view that I have of us is not one of divinity nor is it brought to me by the great flying spaghetti monster
or any other faith based belief system at the same time I think perhaps our scientific community is falling and failing in some aspects of the information given to the public as fact. I am disheartened to hear scientists say "that is the way it happened" with little more solid proof than someone citing a chapter from a book of dubious origins.

But this is getting away from where I was going with this post, perhaps I should stay away from beer when writing, no I am here to express my concerns over the growing gap between the reality of need and the need of want. It seems that we are continuing, largely through the unreporting by MSM and the internet, to the plight of people in general. 
We are social animals with strong emotional triggers and like other animals are naturally empathic but I think we have developed empathy to the point where we perceive wrong and react in a knee jerk fashion to this or that wrong which tends to lead to polarization which leads to a break down in true dialogue. I would have thought that with the free exchange of information we would be farther along than where we seem to be. Now this is my narrow view of what I see through facebook. Something so powerful yet in that power it becomes derisive, I assume I am naïve or overly hopeful of my fellow humans but this is what I see in a macro overview of the social media user but to even bring up the idea that a cause to be championed maybe better left to another time is a form of heresy and met with a somewhat cold shoulder. 
But this is only part of the post in general the behaviour of people on the internet mixed with a cause can do good things but in the case of the "Ice Bucket Challenge"
I wondered if all of this money could be put to better use in say Sierra Leone? The problems faced by the health agencies who are left on the ground is dire made that way by the ravages of Ebola.     
Or an air bucket challenge for peace? Seeing the smiles on the faces of kids from far off countries, who seem somehow to always draw out the assholes in thought and religion, that know peace costs way fuckin more than the challenge could ever raise but the medical supplies are nice.
I am not naïve I do know that all of these maladies are more complicated than what seems to be given as information. There are all sorts of concerns when whole groups of people are being systematically slaughtered or moved on what is a proper motive. I'm sure that is running through the mind of every shell shocked inhabitant of Gaza. As fathers and Mothers race through the rubble holding the broken remains of their children the last thought they have is that this is all for the security of Israel or for the furtherance of Hamas truly they see their meager life destroyed by a largely faceless destroyer

I love the endless parade of humanity that run before us everyday in our comfortable western civilization. Both the formal and informal are rooted in passion  but these can all be distracring and setting us to debate hot topics rather than fully focus on issues which are setting us at a social crossroad. Basic stuff that affects all of us.    


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