Only hours left to make the intelligent choice?

T he Brexit issue has brought up interesting conversation in the world of sociology they seem intrigued by this last exit being largely a movement or coherence of dissatisfied voters who expressed that dissatisfaction by voting to leave the EU. The pundits and bean counters called it to be close but for the stay side not for the leave. No one factored in the completely uninformed voter who only really understood the importance of participating in the vote but not much about the substance of what was being voted on. Also many people who didn't care much whether they were in the EU or not simply didn't think that the central government was listening to their concerns and shouted them by saying no to the EU. Then you have the sheeple who will just follow along and had strong anti EU leanings. Some believe this is a referendum in America just as it was in the UK. A referendum where there is one answer to give to many unrelated issues and the predominant issue...