Only hours left to make the intelligent choice?
The Brexit issue has brought up interesting conversation in the world of sociology they seem intrigued by this last exit being largely a movement or coherence of dissatisfied voters who expressed that dissatisfaction by voting to leave the EU. The pundits and bean counters called it to be close but for the stay side not for the leave.
No one factored in the completely uninformed voter who only really understood the importance of participating in the vote but not much about the substance of what was being voted on. Also many people who didn't care much whether they were in the EU or not simply didn't think that the central government was listening to their concerns and shouted them by saying no to the EU.
Then you have the sheeple who will just follow along and had strong anti EU leanings.
Some believe this is a referendum in America just as it was in the UK. A referendum where there is one answer to give to many
unrelated issues and the predominant issue is this: Do I as a voter want more of the same?
This might be why the predictors of the Brexit result were off but it was a number of things that made the result unforeseeable. Things that have been playing in recent years both in NA and the UK
I think that in both the UK and the USA there has been a large portion of the population that feels as though they haven't been heard and the rhetoric of the right wingers spoke to them. Others wanted a protest vote to simply break the hold of corporate america but weren't anti immigrant pussy grabbing dim witted citizens as Mr Trump seems to be. Their protest vote couldn't go to the third choice candidates and you would understand why if you checked out said candidates...and you thought Trump is off the wall.
None of the Americans really believe Trump will deliver but they are sure that shit will get shook up by having him as the commander in chief!
It would seem that there are a number of people who simply want to shake things up not completely destroy America by voting for the sideshow. No they want the big top and it's a two ringed circus. Trump seems to fit the bill for almost every disenfranchised voter in America.
Clinton on the other hand appeals to the new age sheep who are being put to sleep so that the status quo can be maintained. Whenever one of their drowsy heads pops out from under the covers of their safe warm beds they are fed a snack of Liberal policy and cooed to till they fall asleep again. The problem for Clinton is that there are more people who don't have the time to be sleeping because they're working two jobs with little or no security living in some rented rundown house because a big bank took theirs several years ago.
On the day of the election in the United States of America it matters little as to what is promised by either candidate. This is something that the people of the USA have come to trust and rightly so mainly because being a politician is a job that requires you constantly try to keep your job so you go with the safest bet. That means that decisions are made less with the good of the people in mind and more what is good for re-election. Or you simply have a "public" side and a "private" side which I have seen a few times in my own country.
Trump could very well win this contest and that will speak volumes to the intelligentsia as to where society is at!
Just as the public did a few months ago in Britain.
The public not the elite and entitled will take a brash showman such as Donald J Trump over the proper intelligent Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The playing field has changed so fast and so totally that few have taken notice and fewer can safely or accurately chart the electronic sea in which we they've been cast.
Now to end this post without a prediction but sort of a summation of the candidates.
Trump is a buffoon and if elected he will cause harm to the state. He is a vindictive teenager who should NOT have the keys to the car no matter how many names his school mates called him.
He will, as a segment of his supporters hope, cause change in the USA but not by design. It will be more like a train wreck in a crowded metropolitan station, you know that afterwards there is going to be a horrendous mess and in the process some people will be hurt but don't know much more. This is a person who is afraid to lose because if he does he would lose the respect of his father. A seed for his psychotic behavior later in life...never admit a killer etc.
Clinton for any and all of her faults still is a more capable leader than Trump could ever be. Yet there is a feeling that she has two faces one for the public and one for corporate america. That may be by inclination or a reflection of the political reality that she lives in either way she is viewed by many as being in the hip pocket of big global interests which probably is only partly true and I feel it's better than these loose connections with Russia.
To all appearances she does seem in comparison to Trump to be the same old same old. Also, unlike her opponent, when you look at it in its totality her life has been a slow but focused march towards this day not a vendetta against the elite rich families and the current President Obama which brought him to politics..............right hasn't been even close to it.
Now for all this talk of DJ being a sexist well he did hire two women to implement and orchestrate his firms invasion of Manhattan.
Which brings me to the biggest reason I would like to see Hillary win.
When asked in the seventies why he hired women in these high profile positions Donald said that he found one hard working intelligent woman was worth ten hard working intelligent men.
The world could not handle the energy that would exude from the oval office if there were ten Donalds!
Only hours left to make the intelligent choice!
No one factored in the completely uninformed voter who only really understood the importance of participating in the vote but not much about the substance of what was being voted on. Also many people who didn't care much whether they were in the EU or not simply didn't think that the central government was listening to their concerns and shouted them by saying no to the EU.
Then you have the sheeple who will just follow along and had strong anti EU leanings.
Some believe this is a referendum in America just as it was in the UK. A referendum where there is one answer to give to many
unrelated issues and the predominant issue is this: Do I as a voter want more of the same?
This might be why the predictors of the Brexit result were off but it was a number of things that made the result unforeseeable. Things that have been playing in recent years both in NA and the UK
I think that in both the UK and the USA there has been a large portion of the population that feels as though they haven't been heard and the rhetoric of the right wingers spoke to them. Others wanted a protest vote to simply break the hold of corporate america but weren't anti immigrant pussy grabbing dim witted citizens as Mr Trump seems to be. Their protest vote couldn't go to the third choice candidates and you would understand why if you checked out said candidates...and you thought Trump is off the wall.
None of the Americans really believe Trump will deliver but they are sure that shit will get shook up by having him as the commander in chief!
It would seem that there are a number of people who simply want to shake things up not completely destroy America by voting for the sideshow. No they want the big top and it's a two ringed circus. Trump seems to fit the bill for almost every disenfranchised voter in America.
Clinton on the other hand appeals to the new age sheep who are being put to sleep so that the status quo can be maintained. Whenever one of their drowsy heads pops out from under the covers of their safe warm beds they are fed a snack of Liberal policy and cooed to till they fall asleep again. The problem for Clinton is that there are more people who don't have the time to be sleeping because they're working two jobs with little or no security living in some rented rundown house because a big bank took theirs several years ago.
On the day of the election in the United States of America it matters little as to what is promised by either candidate. This is something that the people of the USA have come to trust and rightly so mainly because being a politician is a job that requires you constantly try to keep your job so you go with the safest bet. That means that decisions are made less with the good of the people in mind and more what is good for re-election. Or you simply have a "public" side and a "private" side which I have seen a few times in my own country.
Trump could very well win this contest and that will speak volumes to the intelligentsia as to where society is at!
Just as the public did a few months ago in Britain.
The public not the elite and entitled will take a brash showman such as Donald J Trump over the proper intelligent Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The playing field has changed so fast and so totally that few have taken notice and fewer can safely or accurately chart the electronic sea in which we they've been cast.
Now to end this post without a prediction but sort of a summation of the candidates.
Trump is a buffoon and if elected he will cause harm to the state. He is a vindictive teenager who should NOT have the keys to the car no matter how many names his school mates called him.
He will, as a segment of his supporters hope, cause change in the USA but not by design. It will be more like a train wreck in a crowded metropolitan station, you know that afterwards there is going to be a horrendous mess and in the process some people will be hurt but don't know much more. This is a person who is afraid to lose because if he does he would lose the respect of his father. A seed for his psychotic behavior later in life...never admit a killer etc.
Clinton for any and all of her faults still is a more capable leader than Trump could ever be. Yet there is a feeling that she has two faces one for the public and one for corporate america. That may be by inclination or a reflection of the political reality that she lives in either way she is viewed by many as being in the hip pocket of big global interests which probably is only partly true and I feel it's better than these loose connections with Russia.
To all appearances she does seem in comparison to Trump to be the same old same old. Also, unlike her opponent, when you look at it in its totality her life has been a slow but focused march towards this day not a vendetta against the elite rich families and the current President Obama which brought him to politics..............right hasn't been even close to it.
Now for all this talk of DJ being a sexist well he did hire two women to implement and orchestrate his firms invasion of Manhattan.
Which brings me to the biggest reason I would like to see Hillary win.
When asked in the seventies why he hired women in these high profile positions Donald said that he found one hard working intelligent woman was worth ten hard working intelligent men.
The world could not handle the energy that would exude from the oval office if there were ten Donalds!
Only hours left to make the intelligent choice!
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