Good, bad and sometimes indifferent
through so tuition is paid and rent
is paid, books and tools have been purchased.
Well till next term at least.
I still have issues with my ankle but at least I can walk with two legs. I say this because one of my three room mates has only one leg. It makes you appreciate the appendage you have no matter how dysfunctional and painful it might be to use. I am supposed to go to Calgary for a visit with the orthopedic surgeon but can't do it, I can't afford the cost in dollars or time. Hope I can get a referal up here.
My Daughter Caira was married into the Gregorash clan. My good friend Mick and I went from Calgary to Lethbridge and back in a rental which came to about $65-$75. Getting from McMurray to Calgary was a $400 -2 hour plane ride, the way back was a hundred dollar 12 hour bus ride. It was worth it to see my little girl married to big ol Ben.
When I got back to my dorm I get a message from my youngest daughter, "Daddy I am pregnant!" Not bad news just a bit of a shock as she is 20+ weeks along! My youngest is not in a real solid relationship and is probably more frightened than she lets on. She is an adult and is very capable of taking care of a little one. Her life is now one of grown up stuff, I have faith in her and her sisters to keep it together.
I plan on going down again during easter break.
I don't want to interupt the learning process.
There is a heck of a lot to absorb. My brain much like the one below is being filled to overflow.
Which leads to ...
OK I had a visual of a bursting brain to put up but it was too nasty so I'll put up a random shot....lets see......
This does nothing for me although it does represent a big hole where all this information goes.
I mean it has to go some where because it sure doesn't stay in my brain.
It reminds me of an old sitcom..........................

Now there is a picture that does something for me.
I came to this program with not a lot of trepidation but now that I am here I have the feeling that I am up to my neck
(gratuitous sex shot)
and in some spots over my head with the schooling I am getting.

Somebody should report these people for instrument abuse!
Perhaps I am not taking this seriously enough or it has been so long since I have been in a position like this that I have forgotten how to get things done.
I am being vague but it is a vague sense that some part of a simple equation is missing, perhaps it is my learning environment simple overload in information and I hold my own grades next to younger people who have been around music for a good portion of thier lives. To them reading music is much the same as reading a book. Just as easy and almost as fast, I on the other hand look at a staff in stunned awe as i never thought I would ever have the barest notion of what all the dots and squiggles meant. I am still looking at the clef and thinking as to weather it is treble or bass never mind what lines are what notes.

As scared as I am I have been loving the knowledge that I have gained over the past few weeks. To gain the insight that I have about something that has moved me deeply in the past and present has been gratifying in and of itself.
Doing better on tests by being more organized is in total order. Being gratified by the fact I tread the halls of higher learning is not by itself enough, I must attain a grade point average of....well you see there you go.....!
I have no idea what "point" I need to be at because I haven't mentally catalougued the facts that I have read on this very subject.
Yes I read the brochure just the other day (last week) and every fact in it has been lost in some foggy section of my memory.
Maybe I need someone to point a gun at me, you know to hasten the straightening up stuff etc. etc. Someone who would be a hard but fair task master.
"PRIVATE GORD!!!!!", I look up from my bag of doritos terror stricken. In a trembling voice I answer with the requisite sirs and yes sirs. "WTF!!!!! You Have NOT YET done THREE HOURS OF HOMEWORK but here you are FILLING YER FAT DUMBASS FACE!!!!!!!!
Perhaps not.
So I am to my schooling...... Good, bad and sometimes indifferent.
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