So? Soso! So it is.
Not sure where this is going as this post was found in drafts, I popped on it's long forgotten title and presto there was a blank screen and mind staring at each other.

what if We put Science and Spirituality in the same room
would we be left with some common ground at the end of the day?

While I can rationalize and fully understand the concept of blind faith
I have a hard time
practicing it.
Rather than operating my life in accordance with doctrine,
I head for the open road of rational thought and reason.
I have felt that I am walking a stable path built on the
righteousness of facts and
left those wearing a cloak of religion,
with a smile and friendly nod of course, stuck in a
ditch of

That covers one hemisphere (luv that word)
of the brain, the other side is writing this blog
when we get to the pleasure function of the organ I am really haywire.

That being said I can go further.

I , like many of us, battle with hedonistic tendencies and for some, like myself, they get the better of us and we have a moral dilemma that reaches a critical state of internal chaos.

In the physical world when a point of chaos is achieved
there is radical change and the same can happen when we have personal
emotional chaos.
Sometimes the change
ain't for the better, yet change it is.

I was in that state and decided to give the
Church a try.
I became involved with a typical full gospel church
I found the experience to be very good, the therapy that I got out of this involvment was fantastic.

The stuff that goes on in the mind while you direct your actions
to stay within the frame work of the "Word" is marvelous.
Is it magical?
Not really because it can be explained by neurobiologists
things like journaling
and the use of
internal conversation might be used in
modern psychology for certain mild personality disorders.


I look upon the western church groups adherence
to the idea that the
Bible was written by God
to be irrational.

But the idea of something bigger than all of us
has probably been in the mind of man since he has come out of the trees.

It has been in mine for a fair amount of time,
way back when
I attended Sunday School the question of
where do we come from
reared it's conjectural head.

I asked a question
which probably haunts sunday school teachers to this day.

"If God created us then who created God?"

The proper answer for a very intelligent 4 year old
who could understand the concept of eternity would be,

"Good question but it's time for milk and cookies...chocolate or white?"

No instead I got the
"God has been for ever, God has always been and will always be."
My retort was not kind or diplomatic
nor well thought out
in my gut I knew I had to say,

"That's impossible!"

It was at this point that my career in Sunday school came to a close
and my
thoughts on Christianity became somewhat negative.

I was a tainted soul which does not mean I was to be given up on
but my hedonistic or
perhaps pagan leanings clashed so horribly
with the sectarian views on sex, science and social function
that I distanced myself from the rightous.

Scientists grapple with the same question and it is one of beginnings.
Just as the preferred or learned sequence would
lead a person to think that God had a Dad.
NOWextrapolate that to the
big bang.

Where did the particles for the big bang come from?

There I go again off on a tangent!

Back to the convergence of Science and Religion!
Although I did not embrace Christianity I did have a sense of the Universe as being connected to everything.
So when I was in the Church
I dived into the Bible and started to meditate or pray
found all sorts of meta physical things would occur.
The by-product of that was having a sense of inner calm
a result of that was to have inner strength.
Then one night I was reading the Old Testament
stopped for a moment, lit a cigarette
kind of zoned out in a waking dream state thinking
a dream my friend had described to me that day.

He told me that both of us were at a mansion and it was a lavish party going on.
In the middle of the room stood a regal looking guy who went over to him and said if we leave the mansion one more time we would not be welcome back.
Why "we" I don't know because my friend is a devout believer,
anyway I sat there with this image in my head
then the most terrifying thing happened.


The voice was so calm and like none I knew.
It was not "my" voice generated from inside my mind.
That meant I was either completely out of my mind
somehow there was someone whom I could not see talking to me.

What did I do with this experience?

I did the dumb human thing.....I did not reply.

Why and how did this voice come to me?

I had not thought about this experience for years
and then I went retro and downloaded
with Carl Sagan explaining the difference between
one plane of existence and another.

It Hit me that my experience might be the forth dimension trying to talk to me.
Could it be that what others have said is God
talk of a place called Heaven have been trying to tell us of a forth dimension?

The fantasy of humans who have conquered the stars could be shelved for ever,
technology works only for the terrestrial body in the third dimension.
In the forth there would be little use for
these machines that we use to get around in.
Could it be this simple?

Probably not!
You don't believe?
You think there are fantastic creatures living among us?

We are mortal but it seems we can attain a portal to another dimension.
I believe it is

The idea of entities who can see you but can't be viewed themselves is a powerful tool of social conditioning and order.

I wonder if the arrangement of the eternal universe is that simple
probably not
but it was simplified by the rise of organized religion, the deity of the day can see you do bad and good and as Judaism rose so it was thorough and the the Christians managed to further state that sex was an unholy act.
Dogma has detoured the pure act of meditation and that consequence of internal peace and wellness from it.
We have a modern cultism of ghouls and vampires
which is less a belief and more a wish.
It may be a reaction to the mystical aspects of Christianity and by embracing something a bit more pagan the sex taboos are gone....
well pretty much.
Certainly I see an awful lot when I open my eyes.

I watch 6 generations and see so much common ground


the differences are only found.


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