The table saw and the damage done.

The morning started out bad as I was not feeling well, my head felt like a balloon filled with porridge and gravel. Rather than a bug I think it is just an unhealthy life style catching up with me what with being a career smoker and eating like a teenager. Yeah the pretty much nightly ritual of gettin a glow on has to be mentioned. Add to this a stressful job environment, not because of the work but because of management style and the fact that I have a mind that sometimes wanders. There are other factors that contributed to this nasty injury and I will leave them out as I personally dislike re-visiting the moment in time where it all came to a point of CHAOS! unwrapped to take out the sutures It truly amazes a person when you look back at a catastrophic event and it plays in slow motion. That is but a memory of what happened, don't look confused just yet I'm sure this thread will become more tangled as I write. I have been in several car accidents ...