anarchy: yesterday's thinking?
This has been a popular post but after a re-read I found it needed some work and a re-posting. So no you are not going daft thinking you had seen this title have.
Anarchy has been a word out there in the news and related vaguely to the Occupy Movement.
Anarchy has been a word out there in the news and related vaguely to the Occupy Movement.
I wrote this mainly to show that yes I have gone over some material and no I'm not a scholar.
Together we will take a look at Anarchy.
One: what the heck is it?
It, like any ideology, can have a number of variations but the central idea is that there is no one person with power and decisions are made through the collective of the working class.
It is argued that it's our natural state, I won't refute that.
Two: will it work?

In 1930 something there was a anarchistic state created in Spain.
The world was in chaos compared to today. Fascism was spreading and the people of Spain
created an anarchistic socialist state.
More on that period
This is not 1930 but the economic conditions while dissimilar in many respects do have two things in common. High Unemployment and the banks are in the cross hair of most people.
In 1930's Spain the general population had to serve in the army, if they couldn't serve in combat they worked in the fields and factories.
The Anarchists wanted to maintain the power of government being in the hands of the public, they wanted to give power to the people. Franco seemed to love dictatorship, he fought hard to keep all the power for himself and his cronies.

That subject of protesters has to be left for another time.
The only way a radical change such as anarchy could be world wide would be if a large portion of the population was killed off through a chaotic event or through a time of chaos.
What would I consider a short chaotic event?
Nuclear war, asteroid hitting earth, massive ecological disaster other than the ones we are creating.
A time of chaos is what we have with a conventional war.
Either way what we as a species would have left to work with can only be imagined in the darkest corners of our mind.
So I think the probability of Anarchy being a peaceful avenue to take is not likely.
This is using the datum from the working model of 1930's Spain.
It seemed to work fairly well until you factor in defending it from Franco's fascist forces.
BTW Spain is not the only working example of a functioning anarchistic society.
The Ukraine had one and the ideas of Nestor Makhno back in 1920 may have made its way to Spain.
The end analysis for me is that the rule of Law has to be there.
Violence to maintain the status quo does not.
Blindly heading for what seems comfortable is not an answer either.
Let not one of us over 50 try to tell you that the old days were so damn good.
I say we need to invent something new rather than innovate an old idea.
That invention while we are still tied to currency will consist most likely from taking large portions of existing ideologies and gluing the pieces back together to make something unseen before.
At least that is my hope.
Let not one of us over 50 try to tell you that the old days were so damn good.
I say we need to invent something new rather than innovate an old idea.
That invention while we are still tied to currency will consist most likely from taking large portions of existing ideologies and gluing the pieces back together to make something unseen before.
At least that is my hope.
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