The play is a performance!
Funny how you can be taken a back by random stuff.
I had just flicked on the tele it was on the CBC channel which was broadcasting a trialthalon held in Seoul.
Not my cup of tea but the camera happened to be focused on the lead runner and it kept me interested.
I had to wonder what it must be like to be an attractive, incredibly fit young woman running in front of millions world wide and to be wearing virtually nothing on your body.
This womans sunglasses had more mass than her body suit!
Don't get me wrong I am all for lithe young women baring as much as possible and I am not suggesting that Miss Moffat is at all embarassed. I just wonder if she ever thinks about the 50 something guys , maybe girls, who watch her running and can barely control their drooling.

Enough of the debased me.
So I was compelled to watch this amazing female form.
The end of the race was near when I tuned in and Moffat had a very good lead. When it came down to last 3 kms the two women lurking behind her pulled up.
Of course I remember only a few names which matters not since this isn't a sports column.
What was a lone Aussie in the lead was now a trio of women.
The chilean woman kept trading first place with Moffat, the (also very pretty) woman in third was in close to the other two looking for the energy and right moment to make a sprint for the first place spot.
At 1.5kms left the front pack of three very determined women were fighting hard. The Chilean and the Aussie were both looking for those extra bursts of energy not only to make first. No they had to block the woman in third who was known to sprint for the finish.
The two women in front could not keep it up and as they hit the carpet they left a space for the spinter to do her stuff.
I was about to witness an incredible feat that seemingly was set into motion by the woman in third making a break on the outside. As she pulled out to pass the two lead runners a form was seen coming into frame on the inside. As the runner in third was launching into a dash for the finish a Swiss runner came from way back and pretty much blazed past the three lead runners and made a no contest win.
The point here is that I am not a sports person but it seems if I watch for a while I see the essence of art in the pursuit of a win. I mean beyond the obvious "arty" sports. Football and Hockey both thrill me when the "play" becomes "poetry in motion".
The play is a performance!
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