Thats all for today.
The pending "job"?
My old friend Duke?
The bank and their f*#ked up system/attitude.
My foot?
I have a renovation job to do! Maybe!
I might get the contract for it so let's all cross our fingers eh?
After meeting with the clients at their house I tore up to my buddy Duke's place. He is the same as when I left him last.
He is thinking about looking for work/moving back out east/getting some training/watching for signs of the Apocalypse.
I love the old bugger but sometimes I wonder about his sanity. More to the point I wonder about what neurosis he has, the ones that can be clinically proven and hopefully treated.
Banks and finance just bore me to hurling!
My foot however could be talked about at length, perhaps coming to the concensus that a shrine should be errected so all might behold the wonder and beauty of my right foot!
Ok so much for writing in the style of others.
The foot is doing better than I had thought. I had one of those "suck it the fuck up" talks with myself and started to walk on it more and more.
The ankle is still sore and beyond to painful, this occurs only in certain situations, turning quickly, jumping down, any sideway force on the foot, other than that it is doing fine.
This to shall pass and it will be back to looking for work while I try to get school on the go.
I remember now I wrote about recording last post so I will spare you the whines of an itterant artist.
Thats all for today.
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