A school boy again!

Do you think my teachers could be this hot?????? Not bloody likely!

So I have everything in place. I am in residence, entrance fee has been paid, application and acceptance of the app for a student loan is all done.

In under two weeks a new place and a new time for me.

This is the way I identify times in my life.

Not by chronos

but by geos.

I sometimes mix sex and geography by defining points in my life by the relations I had. A number of relationships have spanned a number of geographic changes so then that epoch would be defined by the relationship and a subset of geography, ie: Girl x in place y and in place w.

I have consumed too much Grande Marnier and kron...non the less I shall write on.

Yes school,

the refuge of the inspired as well as the witless.

The driven and the well inherited.

The poetic and the crass.

I wonder not what this next two years might bring. This is my psyche I live so in the moment that there is no future, only scenarios.

I live mise en scene waiting for the director
to tell me where I should be.

So I am directed to Fort Fucking McMisery.

I am to pay a penance in pergatory.
It might be all sorts of fun.

Beside Calgary,

Ft McMurray

is the only town I have have resided in more than twice!

Here I will post an apology for being so long between posts.

I had a rather large project that has taken most of my time.

As for my Calcaneus facture
It seems I have a bone chip in the works so I am supposed to have a CT scan done and find out why I am in pain so often.

I hope to post in the next week showing the fruits of my labor over the past while.

I have to close this by trying to convey what a great feeling I have being a school boy again!


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