We need a revolution, are you up for it?
This post maybe a bit fragmented and I apologize. I am very busy and preoccupied with "life" right now otherwise I would have edited this piece a bit more.

The talk is out there, the western world is not working.
Big surprise that there would be employment pain as the economy goes from producing to consuming.
Not enough engineers and scientists?
The question for me is this: If everyone had a university degree who would flip your burger?
I think that some folks think that, no matter what, if you work hard you will succeed.
True that is but again if everyone is trying their best that means some will not measure up to the best therefore you fail.
At this time spouting platitudes from the past is exactly what we should avoid, we need to invite new ways of thinking about our future.
I have mentioned that the way we conduct economies is very inefficient and this is reflected in wasting resources, all of them including human resources.
We now have university grads shouldering the under educated out of the mundane jobs they once could get.
It might not happen a lot but with the unemployment figures rising the feedback of those numbers will invariably cause more professional positions to disappear thus more over qualified people looking for work pushing other people out the door.
Even if that worst case does not come to be there is still the enormous pressure of utter frustration in regard to the unemployed and under employed.
If this grows the incentive to go into debt to get a university degree will become weaker and weaker.
The desire to be on American Idol will become stronger and stronger and as that dream is dashed the best plan would be to maintain a career at Home Depot or Denny's.
Nothing wrong with working at a mediocre restaurant or for some retail giant but the mind in the body doing this shit is wasted.
Our industries have sent an enormous amount of the "labor" portion of their operations over seas will not save whats left of the middle class.
Our market driven system is horribly flawed and we really do not want to think about a new way of achieving the Corporate dream..."to improve the lives of people around the world" or some other bit of pablum for our brains and hearts.
Oh yes I too have my heart tugged at by clever ads put out by the Cisco's and the McDonald's of the corporate world. Touting how they "help" society is soul warming but in reality largely ineffective.
Do not get me wrong I really do admire the philanthropist these people are top drawer but because we have them it means that the system is rather uneven in it's rewards. The philanthropist selects a narrow band of suffering and contributes, usually wisely, to an area of need.
I do realize that commerce in the market/debit economy brings a certain amount of prosperity, that is not the issue, the issue or question is how can we transfer the technology we have collectively to the betterment of the human species collectively without enslaving the very people we want to help?
What would this world look like if we lived in a virtually cashless economy?
I think you might feel as though if there is no CASH then there can be no value. Nothing is further from what I see.
It depends if the change is chaotic or symbiotic. My view at this time says we will have major paradigm shifts in this decade thru chaos both natural and societal.
This is potentially devastating to a great number of people and of course the greater number of them will be in the lower economic class.
As crass as it might sound it might be a good thing and there is a faction of humans who think that the population needs a culling.
From a purely scientific perspective this may seem to be needed as we have no natural predators and propagate at a steady pace. If we had wolves inhabiting the Rockies in the same concentration as humans in a large city we would be alarmed,
of course the physical needs of the wild animal is completely different but you might see my point. If we were truly analytical about our living arrangements we would probably propose something different where the population is not choking on itself.
This analogy in itself is one of the wheel stones that a large portion of humankind drag around and that is the easy comparison of us now to our wilder ancestors. We will always have or should strive to have personal diversity, we should celebrate it in fact.
The concept of "self" has been distorted in the last century. It started out well in that self was something to contemplate with very few distractions around us the incidence of people connecting with their inner being was greater.
For all of the negative images we have in regards to institutional religion their is the one negative that over shadows the rest and that is the domination by a corporation or non physical entity of the self.
Ironically it is mentioned in the Bible to trust nothing built by the hand of man.
Why is this so important?
Because we need to find ourself.
Why is that "touchy feely" thing so important?
We are not a simple puzzle to deconstruct, the web that has been woven is so intricate that it defies description for layer upon layer of behavior modification has occurred over the millennium the physical and cerebral reacting to one another.
I will describe what I see, in very broad strokes, if we had a symbiotic or generally peaceful revolution that saw an end to "currency".
If we were able to restructure society to something closer to an anarchistic model
We need to become more active and by this I don't mean joining a Bader Mienhoff terror cell.
We need more meaningful interaction using this wonderful thing called the WWW.
Not the Zombie slaying lame game playing porn site surfinliving in cyberspace type of interaction but one of broadcasting your thoughts and formulating the ways of change.
Too heavy when you live in the work a day world as a virtual slave to wages.?
If we cannot promote fundamental change it will come nonetheless as a chaotic event.
If we think way outside the box and can implement those ideas into effective agents of change we can to a degree control it.
I have no solid answers to this or any other BIG Question but I have a feeling that we as a species could do so much better for all if we could divert some of our focus from believing that we are important because we can buy things and give out money to understanding that we must give Love.
The human race by and large has adopted the idea that the inner being is relative to an external entity. It is NOT!
They are one and the same. The concept of God is not what you seek but it something which has taken us away from our selves. Few people pray and have a link with the universe most pray to this external being which, as the Bible says repeatedly, lives within you.
This video gives stats and lays the ground rules or focus of a conference on unemployment.
With out being there I can imagine that the talks would swirl around in a pool of old ideas.
New directions can rarely depend on old ways of thinking to launch them.
It is the violence and chaos of a new reality that cuts down and in the end destroys the old ways of thinking.
We need to question the sanity of the way we live and use our resources and I mean really analyze what goes on in the big picture and get over the fact that just because you wear the latest fashion and live on the edge of the norm does not make you a social rebel.
We need to stop relying on consumption to mark personal progress and start building toward societal progress.
We need a revolution, are you up for it?
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