back to the promised land

All of our constructs large or small must be put into a cosmic context.

It has been theorized or at least written that the reason for the proliferation of tattoos is that the people wearing them are expressing the sovereignty of their body, their temples, the point of worship.

None of our actions or thoughts can be seen as being puny
as they all have an effect far beyond the physical plane that
we can see.
Your joy and happiness, your pain and woe resonates beyond your

touch. I do not know this for a fact but I think the evidence is starting to point in that direction.
Understand that I believe in the spiritual world
but not so much in religion.
I am not a cynical wit who
wants to get a guffaw or seem smart
at the expense of someone else's
belief system no matter how twisted it may seem to me.
In the realm of belief and faith my questions have no bearing.
The belief of the individual is his or her own.
The questions we have and the paths we take to find answers can strengthen and direct the energy of the individual. In a nutshell if you are truly happy and you are not hurting others I really don't care how many deities you have or if they've got two or twelve arms I could give a flying crap whether this being got here in a flaming chariot or a yellow cab.
In the end to be at peace is paramount,
with yourself, with your family, with your neighbors.
This is of course impossible because there will always be some dogmatic bull shit to go along with said deity and belief.
Dogma always creates a rift that is pretty much artificial and completely man made, it is the nice way of saying superstitious people are rampant in the halls and temples of religion.
I will voice my own opinion here and ask why it is that to find ones self you would affiliate your self with a large organization.
Then we get into the ethnocentric bullshit that leads to people killing other people because the tribe they are from is not the right one.

In anything if it has no balance it is bad karma, I don't think that you can find your inner self by worshiping the physical body.
Just as you don't find your inner water of life through a group of people in a building on a prescribed day out of the week or worse a number of times every day. This practice in particular seems to be blatant crowd control and nothing more. The promise that attendance will get you to the higher plane or heaven is the problem here.
The idea of finding your inner self is a very good one and those who find enlightenment are truly blessed and they know they are. I suspect that Christians are not the only ones who attain a spiritual bliss as most Christians seem to postulate.
We have to understand that we are all part of a molecular grid that is infinite or what we think of as infinite. Our tiny self makes not a massive difference by its self but when we as individuals start to have more and more negative thoughts we seem to find self fulfilling prophecy right behind.
While I do not like the idea of blind faith and abhor religious organizations there seems to be very solid instruction through ancient text that tells us to not question but follow the laws put forth in doing so we will realize heaven on earth. I think it to be more like if you follow the instruction you won't live in perpetual misery. We are largely a species of constant sorrow, no not all of us but what I see is that the pure of heart are in pain and sorrow because of the dark hearts around them.
So now I play devil's advocate.
There are a number of passages in the Bible where it is written that we should pray in groups.
Look at tribal culture, the rituals are all a group function.
Could it be that we knew how to connect with the Cosmos at one time but then lost that ability?
I truly think that we can have a harmonic resonance a spiritual amplifier when we connect mentally or better yet spiritually.
When I was in a congregation I could feel the times when the whole church was on the same wave length, I could feel that energy and some strange mental stuff would happen when we were all in the zone. I won't go into the mental stuff that would happen as it is very easy to dismiss. People who have experienced this will know what I mean.
So why am I not part of the flock now?
Because of my lack of innocence I ran away from the church, when you are arrogant and questioning I feel you cannot handle this stuff happening. You revert to your logical earth bound self, to things that have been taught to you. When you hear a voice in your head that is not your own you are CRAZY.
I did not want to be crazy and was disappointed in some of my fellow parishioners so I ran away.
Before the voice was heard some stuff happened that I decided to explain away. Again being an arrogant dick I rationalized the things that happened, in hind sight it was the wrong thing to do.
As it is said in the not put faith in your fellow man but have faith in the Holy Spirit.
It is hard to be a sheep when you have lived your life as a wolf even if you have been a nice wolf.
Every thing we do has an effect on something else, we are connected to our actions our actions have an effect at a tertiary level. Our emotions and thoughts seem to affect things at a molecular level and if that is the case could it be that our thoughts can affect the cosmos it's self?
Not being a physicist I have a hard time finding the right terms to explain what I see and feel but when I look at all the pieces of data I see that there has to be a shift in the way we view the human organism.
If we don't we will fail once again and be forced to start all over.

Perhaps this is why I have little desire to change my evil ways. I see a majority of people who rule out the idea of a different plane of existence, folks who think that the human hand is far more powerful than the human thought.
Maybe I should stop following the sheep and start following the Shepard.
Distance myself from the human hand and start back to the promised land.
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