Someone stands up too.

The story of Ross Sheppard High school teacher Lynden Dorval relates to a post I am working on that looks at the delivery of education in broad strokes and (congrats Lynden) also relates to a post just published last week by yours truly titled "When one person stands up". What I am saying here is that his story has an under current that connects it, no different than any other news story, to other stories. Mr Dorval has been suspended by the Edmonton Public School Board with pay for the crime of what? He is not some child predator, he teaches physics and he seems to be a person who has a beef with the way he must grade his students. He has looked at his profession as something that has a long term impact on the behavior and perhaps success of his young charges. He has what seems to me a very realistic view of what "the system" is creating in the way of a work mindset and he questioned the wisdom of the system and was as he puts it, considered a firebrand ...