When one person stands up
The other day I watched a TED Talk and as almost always it was very good but what I noticed at the end struck me and this probably occurs all the time, I have likely been in an audience myself where
a few seconds lapse between the end of the presentation and the applause and then I spy a gent in the crowd who half stands and then looks around to see if someone else is starting, he does then comes into a full upright position, the rest of the crowd follows fairly quickly.
SO WHAT right!
Well this brought me to connect it to the conservative PM we have and the recent disapproval of him by some cabinet members in general and some in direct relation to bill C-38.
I can't even begin to tell you what details are in this omnibus.
Probably few could, maybe the drafters of this heinous bill, that is neither you or I.
It is unfortunate that this is not a highly rated romp through a Kane/Finger Batman comic book fantasy where the bad guy is thwarted by a dark truth and swift justice.
No instead we are witnessing something beyond the twisted, demon bred imagination of anyone but a lawyer who has turned politician who has turned to sniffing the carpet fumes of corporate offices.
Offices whose doors will be open to him if he just pushes through some legislature, sorry a bill, that fucks most people but keeps them in the black.
Sound melodramatic?
Sounds like a have not whining about those who have.
The Randian antithesis, yeah perhaps that's your fantasy but it's not mine.
I do believe in working for what you have.
I think that if in a pronounced and well intended manor a person shows
a skill or way of arranging thoughts or processes that is of direct benefit
to all then they should be given perks accordingly.
But I believe we could much better run the world than
the bankers of the day.
I believe that we should revert to sovereign currencies
and stop the money changers.
All of that is going off topic and has or will be taken care of in other posts.
I actually had the fortune of being married
to Premier Don Getty's campaign office secretary
and saw first hand a person who was
in politics because
someone said he should.
A little too focused on golfing and
not so much on running Alberta.
He probably thought that big business
would keep things chugging along.
Actually he did think that big business meant
big jobs for little people and is still a devote corporatist.
Tonight I hope that the opposition has the nuts to see this horrid bill of many colors shot down.
I'm following Lizzie May on Facebook, She really rocks.
too smart for her shirt....
too smart for her shirt...
The Greens along with the New Democrats
The PQ, independents and the other guys.....
Damn starts with an L.
They all need to take the government down.
Let's hope that as in the TED talk when one stands up so will the rest.
a few seconds lapse between the end of the presentation and the applause and then I spy a gent in the crowd who half stands and then looks around to see if someone else is starting, he does then comes into a full upright position, the rest of the crowd follows fairly quickly.
SO WHAT right!
Well this brought me to connect it to the conservative PM we have and the recent disapproval of him by some cabinet members in general and some in direct relation to bill C-38.
I can't even begin to tell you what details are in this omnibus.
Probably few could, maybe the drafters of this heinous bill, that is neither you or I.
It is unfortunate that this is not a highly rated romp through a Kane/Finger Batman comic book fantasy where the bad guy is thwarted by a dark truth and swift justice.
No instead we are witnessing something beyond the twisted, demon bred imagination of anyone but a lawyer who has turned politician who has turned to sniffing the carpet fumes of corporate offices.
Offices whose doors will be open to him if he just pushes through some legislature, sorry a bill, that fucks most people but keeps them in the black.
Sound melodramatic?
Sounds like a have not whining about those who have.
The Randian antithesis, yeah perhaps that's your fantasy but it's not mine.
I do believe in working for what you have.
I think that if in a pronounced and well intended manor a person shows
a skill or way of arranging thoughts or processes that is of direct benefit
to all then they should be given perks accordingly.

the bankers of the day.
I believe that we should revert to sovereign currencies
and stop the money changers.
All of that is going off topic and has or will be taken care of in other posts.
I actually had the fortune of being married
to Premier Don Getty's campaign office secretary
and saw first hand a person who was
in politics because
someone said he should.
A little too focused on golfing and
not so much on running Alberta.
He probably thought that big business
would keep things chugging along.
Actually he did think that big business meant
big jobs for little people and is still a devote corporatist.
Tonight I hope that the opposition has the nuts to see this horrid bill of many colors shot down.
I'm following Lizzie May on Facebook, She really rocks.
too smart for her shirt....

The PQ, independents and the other guys.....
Damn starts with an L.
They all need to take the government down.
Let's hope that as in the TED talk when one stands up so will the rest.
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