What's Goin On!
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It's titled Angry Girl. |
There seems to be that crazy
tension in the air.
People are on edge a bit
more than usual.
I can tell by my smile o meter.
I walk around town being
nice as possible
smile at folks as I walk past them
see if they smile back.
Maybe I need a haircut because it seems I am getting fewer smiles than a few months ago.
There must be a lot of tension in a person who has given up hope in an ideal whatever it maybe.
That tension can easily lead to all out revolt.
Close to home it is just the usual, people feeling as though they can only count on themselves and figure that politics is a whole lot of hogwash and figure they should be left alone.
I don't know and truly when it comes to Fort McMurray Alberta I don't want to dwell on the causes of the tension.
The revolt about to happen is on many fronts and it will involve many countries all disassociated but still fighting in many ways a common enemy. What name should I give this beast without a face. This enemy of people the one who puts the masses on a carousel and feeds them with the vision of the brass ring.
In a word it would be domination.
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Photo by Abigail Padgett |
Yep this analogy has been with me for sometime.
It is not a very good one so I won't keep using it in this post, really I just like the photo and just had to use it somehow.
I see some real trouble brewing in the middle east and that real trouble will become BIG Trouble if the western world goes into any one of the middle eastern countries in turmoil to "help restore order". I have to wonder why it is that the USA has stayed out of Syria.
I am pretty sure it has to do with a few things one of them being that Syria has a pretty serious military.
Unlike Khadafi who had the hardware just not the numbers Assad has both.
Being backed by the Russians and Chinese hasn't hurt either but even those allies are being worn thin by the outrageous behavior of this regime.
The hope of hopes is that Assad is dethroned but the question is who is going to take up running the country? The military might go for a coup but that would be more of the same for the people of Syria maybe worse.
Egypt is another powder keg ready to pop. The military had control when Mubarak was in power and they still are when he is on his death bed.
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thanks to The Guardian UK |
He told me of the government training doctors and engineers but after the university you became a street cleaner or an admin assistant. Later I had first hand accounts of the rampant nepotism and the misogyny in the current culture. I said to her that things must change and she asked...But how? Perhaps that was more profound than it seems now that the country has risen and nothing has really changed.
Again I do wonder why NATO did not charge into Egypt when it was only a few countries away. One might be that they were satisfied with the perceived outcome so why go in and do anything. The power that will take over is one we can work with democractic or not. Egypt is one of those democracy for show type of countries Hmmm like most countries today.
Lets go further away from the semi white hoards and to friendly little Pakistan.
And this man,
Imran Khan!
He is a former cricket player turned politician. The man has been dismissed as a piece of fluff that has no solid platform. He has been accused of flip flopping not only on issues but also his lifestyle which was once one of an international playboy who now seems to be a righteous man full of concern for his homeland it's people and the Qur'an. Yes he seems a modern man but how can that be when he sets his course using a chart that has been proven to be flawed...as in inaccurate.
All of that crap is fodder for journalists which I am not. I'll stick to what I have heard and read in the last while about Pakistan.
In the last 6 months Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has jumped in the polls and he is leading the second most popular party in the country, perhaps the most popular party at this writing.
So what!
Well this guy has been called the Ron Paul of Pakistan, he wants control of government to lie with the people and they are both He wants to end corruption and cronyism in the parliament, he wants to end Pakistan servitude to the USA and become an ally rather than a puppet to the states.
His party has been around for a while but there have been these surges in the polls....why?
Right now Pakistan has no money to buy fuel to power the generators that produce electricity this situation that he's holding up to the common people of his country and it is something that the uncommon middle class are feeling too.
The Americans will not like the preliminary reports on this fire brand it seems he doesn't want to play the same game that has been played over the last 20 years in his country. He wants to clean up politics and take his socially backward country into the 20th century. It has been done before and recently just look at Turkey and the rise of Ataturk in that study you will see the difficulty in changing the mind set of the population completely.
Difficult maybe the wrong word, a very long generational process would be better.
If in the next Pakistani election it is suspected that the vote has been tampered with I think there will be an uprising in that country that will match Syria in intensity and body counts.
But beyond speculation, disregarding his faith (I do the same with Ron Paul) I gravitate toward the idea of politics for the people,
I enjoy hearing someone say lets take care of home and then worry about the neighbors. I hope Khan can turn the people of Pakistan and get them out of the nearly neolithic culture that pervades the countryside. get power to the people figuratively and literally. This doesn't even get us to the other countries that are having a bit of dissent this summer.
So I ask you what's going on?
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