
Showing posts from December, 2010

Cost of choice pt2

Before I forget I should say that none of the photos I used have been mine. I would like to therefore thank those creative souls who have these images on the web. I will not use unauthorized material again The typography of the previous segment was done as it was to tkae you out of yuor comfort nzoe. Just a lttile bit. I Wanted to Point out that we let words get in the way of accessing deeper meaning of ideas. I wanted to illustrate that we can form old ideas into new ones. By far the majority of us would agree that it is insanity to overcome failure by forming the very same structure or using the same process expecting it to behave differently only to have it fail...... again.. This is in part our problem we keep relying on the old ideas to get us off of the merry go round that is taking us in circles and it is a kick for the first thousand years but now we want a new ride but can't seem to get off this one. Yeah some jump off only to be never seen or heard ...

So what do you hear when you listen to music?

I was Just wondering about yOuR listening habits. Does yOur ear hear things the same way that miNe does? Of courSe they are built pretty much the sAme. No it would be the proCess after the eaR gets it. In the ol noodle, the proceSSing center. When I hEAr A sonG I heAR everything as a relative pitch. When you heAR a song and can hEar the words you don't hear the same thing that I do . In order to even hEar the words of a song I have to conCentRaTe hard. I heaR the notes the singer is singing not sO much the woRDs. It haS beEn a debilitAtion in soMe respects but like maNy otHEr thIngs I Can trAIn to coNcenTrate on tHe wOrDs of a sOng. So wHat do yoU hEar wHen U LisTen tO MuSic?

The real cost of choice. Pt.1

Originally I Was spaWned fRom..................... No just kidding,originally I was going to write this as one post but it is going to be easier to do this in two maybe three installments. Truly it is the A.D.D. that makes me unable to focus for 2-3hrs at a time. Maybe I should look into a better edit program for all the copy and paste that I do........ or Ritalin. One other thing, there are some graphiC imAges in this posting. The stoRe sHelVes are fUlL this time of year. Everything is out for XmAs That is unless you are in a ba CK water somewhere, like maybe HerE or A plaCe like FoRt McmuRray where tHiS is cOnsiDered normal during a long weekend. wE have been told tIMe anD tIme aGain ThAt wE mUst hAVe . consuMer choIces We must have five different models of virTually the same thing for everything on the ShelF Think of how many di F F erent cell phones are now for sale. How many are really that different? If there were 3 models that were used by more than 75 percent of cel...