Cost of choice pt2

Before I forget I should say that none of the photos I used have been mine. I would like to therefore thank those creative souls who have these images on the web.
I will not use unauthorized material again
The typography of the previous segment was done as it was to tkae you out of yuor comfort nzoe. Just a lttile bit.
Wanted to
Point out
we let words get in the way of accessing deeper meaning of ideas.
I wanted to illustrate that we can form old ideas into new ones.
By far the majority of us would agree that it is insanity to overcome failure by forming the very same structure or using the same process expecting it to behave differently only to have it fail......
This is in part our problem we keep relying on the old ideas to get us off of the merry go round that is taking us in circles and it is a kick for the first thousand years but now we want a new ride but can't seem to get off this one.
Yeah some jump off only to be never seen or heard of again.
Most folk just stay on the ride going up and down on their painted ponies.
Some people (I would be one of them) who walk against the spin of the ride then with it and then ride the pony for a while.
Others are the ones who plan and work towards having the ponies right on the outer edge of the merry go round.
These folk want the privileged carriage, why is it a mark of privilege?
You are on the outside of the crowd, of the masses and if you concentrate, have some skills and a dash of luck you could catch a brass ring which makes you even more esteemed only for the fact that you have a brass ring. You can't get a brass ring riding in the center where the mechanics that make the ride go are housed, nor if you ride the ponies in the in between.
The wanderers like myself want to get enough of the pony riders and the center people together to shut off the power to the ride.
I could carry on with the analogy but that is best done in a novella not a blog.
The point is that we want our actions and works to be GOOD yet the way we define good changes from one group of people to the next.
The changes needed are not sweeping or general in terms.
We must stop
two prevalent ideas within our society.
One is that you have exclusive right to a piece of the earth.
This is hard for many as they see property as wealth and covet that wealth.
I understand the need to provide for future generations. The desire to give to the family the rights to a piece of property is high on our needs list but we need to stop trading property as a commodity, simply because it is not working for the greater good.
Fewer and fewer PEOPLE own property and more and more corporate entities and smaller landlords are.
With the housing market falling apart in the USA we will probably see a surge of growth in corporate housing ownership.
If our housing alone was taken care of, being gratis, no charge but the upkeep which would have to be kept up.
Land use being dictated by dollars rather than sense is ridiculous in this day and age.
The second is that a man can make a credit by doing nothing but selling a credit. I know it makes no accounting sense which is intuitive since accounting makes little sense.
We cannot trust the money changers and much like the bible story we have to freak out and banish the buggers.
As nice as thoughts can be they are not reality and the reality is that the all mighty buck is ingrained in your whole being.
We can not concieve of it not exsisting.
Of not having money.
We would go to work and be a bit more productive but only marginally so.
After a shift is finished a credit is issued to your bank card it is a mere pitance but your housing is free your food is provided for. You wouldn't have the international variety of high end goods but these things would be more locally produced.
If your a brainiac and have a special project to work on you would be given perks to reward the fact that you have more responsibility in a given project.
The perks are things like access to a car more often or a larger house, not money.
The debit economy hasn't worked so we must imagine something bold and new.
This is all well and good but we have come to a number of cross roads and the paths ahead are not going to be built on a flashier cell phone or a ride that's more pimped out or yet another junk bond. No not even another major war will bring us to a stable path.
We need to have a ground swell of change in the way we think.
In the ideals we have as they relate to "wealth" and "property" to "well being" and "dignity".
Much like a bogey man under our beds we are threatened and yet titillated by MONEY.
We use it as an excuse to do or not do things yet it is a ghost and not a convincing ghost such as the one in a Christmas Carol more like a cartoon ghost.
Tom Robbins used an analogy in his book Skinny Legs and All to describe money.
This is paraphrased but....
To say we can't do this or that because we haven't the money yet the work is desperately needed is much like a starving person starving to death yet that person had all the ingredients to make bread but didn't have a measuring cup. We have replaced money for the word WILL.
I have seen many different ways or ideologies in living. I have been on a communal yet very organized Kibbutz in Israel.
My own family roots are in communal living of the Mennonites.
I have observed other groups and individuals who live completely off the radar just as I have rubbed elbows with some very famous and affluent folk.
As Maslow came to believe these people all need the same basic stuff to survive, the secondary and Tertiary needs if they are met let us thrive.
My point is that we don't really need to have "high finance" to have those other needs met. We could have a Utopian society but what seems to stop us as a species from living in harmony with each other all as equals?
Could you live in a society where there are few different cell phones and
An argument can be made saying that money is what drives innovation and I think if the time is taken to look at invention rather than innovation we will find that creative curiosity is the catalyst of discovery and invention.
Money being the driving force brings us innovation and adaptation which has led to a 20 year hiatus in invention.
Not completely but there hasn't been anything really new since the computer chip. It seems we have a re-invention of the wheel every year with the promise of the newest being the best.
The TV is flatter and the picture is bigger and clearer but non the less it is a TV.
We are stuck on a merry go round.
We keep going around in this circle of have and haven't.
As a culture we have decided to by and large make other peoples problems our own for a limited time. At best the third world gets a smile and some deranged plan to streamline what little leg up a down trodden disassociated people can have. That the capitalist money machine will make it all better is a perverse nightmare, made all the worse because the ideology has become mutated.
There was a time when the bourgeoisie were benevolent assholes.
Between the climate doing a weird dance macabre and the economies of the world flopping like a landed trout there is not much time left for organization and a coherent change.
Any permanent change will be violent and I fear bloody and long.
We have tomorrow to look forward to and in that we need to be truly aware of what is happening around us. This is sometimes hard to do with the amount of information we can access, we collectively must use this communication super highway Internet thing and use it to it's fullest.
start shouting more, start replying more, become more active.
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