So what do you hear when you listen to music?

I was Just wondering about yOuR listening habits.

Does yOur ear hear things the same way

that miNe does?

Of courSe they are built

pretty much the sAme.

No it would be the proCess after the eaR gets it.

In the ol noodle, the proceSSing center.

When I hEAr A sonG

I heAR everything

as a relative pitch.

When you heAR a song


can hEar the words you

don't hear

the same thing

that I do.

In order to even hEar the words of a song I

have to conCentRaTe hard.

I heaR the notes the
singer is singing

not sO much

the woRDs.

It haS beEn a

debilitAtion in soMe respects
like maNy otHEr thIngs

I Can trAIn to coNcenTrate on tHe wOrDs of a sOng.

So wHat do yoU hEar wHen U LisTen tO MuSic?


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