The real cost of choice. Pt.1
Originally I Was spaWned fRom.....................
No just kidding,originally I was going to write this as one post but it is going to be easier to do this in two maybe three installments. Truly it is the A.D.D. that makes me unable to focus for 2-3hrs at a time. Maybe I should look into a better edit program for all the copy and paste that I do........ or Ritalin.
One other thing, there are some graphiC imAges in this posting.

Everything is out for XmAs

That is unless you are in a baCKwater somewhere, like maybe
A plaCe like FoRt McmuRray where
is cOnsiDered normal during a long weekend.
wE have been told tIMe
consuMer choIces
We must have five different models
of virTually the same thing for everything on the
Think of how many diFFerent cell phones
are now for sale.
How many are really that different?
If there were 3 models that were used by more than 75 percent of cell phone users then it would make more sense to produce three models with all of the functionality and ruggedness etc. of the originals. Get away from the idea of unbridled competition.
BuT in order to do tHat we have to adOpt a new way of thiNking.
We don't consume what is brought to our table as it is and then add

how many eXtrA phones, lighters, jeans, shoes,
hats, cheap ass toys, expensive toys, CD's, DVD's etc
ThAt are produced in numbers far gReaTer than what specific demand can use up.
There are folks who think that frEedoM of
cHoiCe relates directly to

soCIaL frEEdom.

baD nEws! It DOESN'T
Can we as unified group stop believing
FreeDom Of chOiCe,
frEEdom to coMpete,
WitH liTTLe
regard for thE
reLevance of tHe produCt,

oR thE rEAl cOst
OF geTting thE pRoduct.
Or the lack of integrity built into the service provided to be a GOOD thing.
ThiS iS suPPosed To bE gOod?
It is good for eVEryoNe!

Are we all concerned? AboUt AlL oF uS?

Or is it our immediate circle who we tend to help and let the rest flounder?
Stick with old relaTionsHips to the near eXcluSion of other PeoPle

In other places and situations
Sure some of us do go outside our comfort zone but very FeW.

BlESS thOse ThaT Do.
This type of volunteerism should not be needed!

Just as the sLums of the world should not exsist
tHEy are both needed in our current
cONsumEr DriVen EcoNomiEs
As people of the world wE are taught to consume everything.............

cOmSume....yOu need a new car, TV, phone, snowboard,
Cable channels, designer vodka, gold plated dildos and as muCh fasT FOod AS poSSIble.
That iS a sYmptom not the problem.ConSumPtIon is not the biggest problem.
the big problem is cOmpEtitIon.
If we didn't have a giZilLion of everything competing for resources we'd have
more resources to puttowards more rewarding
useful projects.
Yes you will call it soCiaLiSt
or cOmMuNist
some other ist of your own choosing.
But ThiS isNt a poliTicaL staTeMent.
It iS a Series oF qUestiOns
that have no easy answers.iF We can undeRsTanD the problem
.............. fRom thEre we caN deviSE a SoluTioN.
Some pEoPle believe that
Competition has taken us from
To tHis
No techNology has taken us from dwelling in caves to inhabiting cubes in giant glass and steel buildings.
BrAvAdO, bOaStInG, BrEaSt bEaTiNg cOmpetItion has, on a personal level boosted our egO's.
In the bIG piCtuRe it has led mankind into a dizzy ascending spiral of consumption.

wE trUst thAt We Are cOnsuMers!
Really the point to be made is that we have come this far, we have an amazing amount of data and the ability to compute all of this datum, tools in medicine and all sorts of manufacturing magic,TruLy
We are fuckin AWESOME!
Well except for dying kids
Little ones like this one
Hard to compete when your maybe ten years old and live under conditions that even if you are there you CANNOT comprehend it.
Some might feel that the rock to the head was better than the life she would have to endure. I say
that both her life to live and her death to escape it are indeed bullshit and maybe just maybe one of the real costs of choice.
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