
Showing posts from January, 2012


I am still using the public computer and still hating it. While being without access to the internet I have been prone to watching cable television, lots of it! When you look at the basic cable package and what it offers in a day of programming it is amazing that I find anything to watch, anything that won't bring on psychotic behavior at least. The repeating of the same episode within a 12hr period is one thing but to repeat the same for a week is insane. They all repeat programs they also have followed industry standard and produce shows for a TV season. I'm not sure why the hell I even have cable?  Oh Yeah for those times I have no computer but when it is back on line I will do three things, cancel my cable tv, buy an Xbox or Ps6, the last thing is an important one. I'll sign up to and that takes me to my subject of the week at that is the viability of network/cable TV. The push for a bill on piracy not only in the States with SOPA but also in C...

Automatic Disappointment in 2011

I want to say right up front that I really do appreciate the fine people involved in developing the new platforms that sites such as   AND amongst (what this is not somehow a word?)  a hundred others who try to better the user's online interface experience at their various sites. That does not mean there were no disappointments. Facebook:        What have you  Done to My Friends? The auto screen feature is not very good or I do not know how to use it. I do know how it functions and I kinda wished they wouldn't have screwed with the logarithmic stuff but whatever. On the other hand   has to be applauded for the new + format.  I have just started and so far it is very easy to use now let's see if it is used. If my blog page views are any indication it is. For 2012 I am going to become a twit! Yes I am going to try The bird is so damn cute it has me all a twitter. A friend o...

Ron Paul I love you man!

Ron Paul,, the likable uncle. I did not watch the televised debate but it was this past weekend and focused on the foreign policy of the republican candidates. What I did get wind of and I am surprised and not surprised at the same time was a tally of the debaters facts, were they right or wrong in the debate. Ron Paul came out front and I can't remember which boob was second. None of that is central to this post. I sat here and thought about Mr. Paul's style and wondered what keeps him from losing it on one of these buffoons? Santorum is the next best thing to Paul but I fear it is simply because the media hasn't tracked him long or hard enough to find that he is as dull C-span on a Sunday. He looks like a lost boy in a shopping mall somewhat terrified but wanting to look all grown up. I see it right away on his website where it boasts "Rick Santorum the true conservative". Ron Paul's site "Help restore America now with a common sense constitutio...

2011-My take on the year, man a lot happened!

She finds Gramps real funny The year started perfectly with a  perfectly lovely Evelyn being born on the 30th of December! January and the first tremors of the explosive revolt in Tunisia are being felt elsewhere in the Arab world. In December 2010.a spark ignited the Arab Awakening. The fuel for that spark was  Mohamed Bouazizi 's  self -immolated body. The light of that mans sacrifice, brought about by maddening frustration, illuminated for a moment the vermen who controlled the population and lived largely in the shadows away from western eyes. The human fireball outside the Tunisian government offices was seen as a call to revolt. How could it not be? The sacrifice of this man in a country so corrupt, in a society where misogyny,  religious  favoritism and radical nepotism are common place, in a geographical area that is overlooked by western media, how could you  stand by!   Not while your peers lig...