I am still using the public computer and still hating it. While being without access to the internet I have been prone to watching cable television, lots of it! When you look at the basic cable package and what it offers in a day of programming it is amazing that I find anything to watch, anything that won't bring on psychotic behavior at least. The repeating of the same episode within a 12hr period is one thing but to repeat the same for a week is insane. They all repeat programs they also have followed industry standard and produce shows for a TV season. I'm not sure why the hell I even have cable? Oh Yeah for those times I have no computer but when it is back on line I will do three things, cancel my cable tv, buy an Xbox or Ps6, the last thing is an important one. I'll sign up to and that takes me to my subject of the week at that is the viability of network/cable TV. The push for a bill on piracy not only in the States with SOPA but also in C...