2011-My take on the year, man a lot happened!
She finds Gramps real funny |
The year started perfectly
with a
perfectly lovely Evelyn being born on the 30th of December!
January and the first tremors of the explosive revolt in Tunisia are being felt elsewhere in the Arab world.
In December 2010.a spark ignited the Arab Awakening.
The fuel for that spark was Mohamed Bouazizi's self -immolated body.
The light of that mans sacrifice, brought about by maddening frustration, illuminated for a moment the vermen who controlled the population and lived largely in the shadows away from western eyes.
The human fireball outside the Tunisian government offices was seen as a call to revolt.
How could it not be?
The sacrifice of this man in a country so corrupt, in a society where misogyny, religious favoritism and radical nepotism are common place, in a geographical area that is overlooked by western media, how could you stand by!
Not while your peers light themselves on fire
while others are beaten for voicing their dissatisfaction.
A call to ACTION?
How could it not be?
January One 2011
A bomb goes off in Alexandria Egypt outside a Coptic Christian church killing 21 people.
It sets the stage and pace for the rest of the year for pretty much any Arab country.
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forensic's at the jan 1 bombing |
Not a conspiracy theory as much as an exercise in common sense.
This Arab un-rest made me think that the USA had better call the troops home.
Of course for all the good reasons but also because right around February
I thought about the number of well educated, unemployed, dissatisfied disenchanted and disenfranchised people in America and figured if they were to march all at the same time the only way of controlling the mob would be through open brutal force. Even unarmed to bring the protesters to a halt would take deadly force and then what?
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http://prophecyinthemaking.blogspot.com |
Even with employment numbers improving slightly in the USA it seemed to me that something would have to happen there. After all unemployment is only a symptom of the malaise which has infected the USA from the top to the bottom.
I put that into the context of the Arab up rising and
asked in January 28th's post;
We need a revolution are you up for it?
I knew nothing of the seed which at that time was sprouting somewhere in the USA coming to fruition and the headlines later in the year.
The world could see how effective an uprising could be because in February after 18 days of mass protest, Egypt's Hosni Mubarack steps down,
I thought that this was unbelievable, fantastic and yet I wondered what would replace the old regime?
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This is the only magazine that I "buy" |
Speaking of old regimes..there's March!
In it Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were being dissolved by the force of
Obamanomics.This is where if you fail at business you get bailed out only if you're big enuff.
Many were skeptical at the very outset.
President Obama had not handled anything really well so far and the real estate bubble bursting was another graphic illustration as to how out of touch our world leaders seemed to be and the accompanied realization that they're not that
The buzz was distant but persistent, the liberty of the people had to be regained from corporate interests.
It was clear
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Yes, it's me! |
It was at this time that I pretty much knew I had to bail out of school.
Money Money Money!
I was already into loans for 10G!
I was failing but
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Just foolin around |
March sucked for the world but
for the people of Japan!
Not only the most destructive Tsunami ever but also potentially the worst nuclear disaster EVER!
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Tsunami filling Fukushima |
But it continues long after the waters retreat, the fires put out and bodies retrieved.
No matter how re-assuring the official announcements the thing is still burning into the ground.
The core has been breached and the reactor cannot be cooled so it continues to react.
Now the theory is that it could keep going through the earth and really I doubt anyone has a clue as to the worst case scenario, at best the cancer/birth defect rate will go stratospheric in the northern hemisphere.
You want more try this link http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27804
April brought me to wonder what the hell was happening in Egypt as they still had no real peace.
I wondered if Mubarak left far too easily?
My thoughts also turned to how we are doing or not doing in terms of social evolution..
Also the food supply was being priced out of reach for more and more of the worlds poor, or rather creating more poor. Interesting as food prices increase so the rate of fast food outlets being integrated into the same emerging countries where price increases are felt the most.
This thread lead me on a long research project.
The research spun a number of posts two which have yet to be published, one of those is the original post! LOL
Hard to say if forced malnutrition and resultant obesity is worse than the ritual disregard for the rights of the individual usually shown by killing them.
Hidden in many countries, probably more so in the west primarily because of our democratic system, torture and killing of innocents not to mention the removal of basic human needs is an everyday occurrence, we call them oppressive dictatorships or Police States! It is widely argued that the USA will become the most powerful police state ever. True since 2001 the US has been eroding the individual rights of it's people and it may become worse.
But until then who will be #1 in this month of May when all of the military dictators are being toppled?
Well Syria steps up to the plate and Bashir al-Assad swings the
Syria and its inbred dick weed leader may present a major problem in the region if enough of the army defects. Then we have the stage set yet again for the west to do some direction in the wings.
Unlike Libya Nato would not dare invade Syria.
Like Libya Syria has turned it's
guns on it's own people.
Unlike Libya we are getting few accurate numbers from the ground. Estimates of the number of dead which I fear are horribly low will make the NATO forces look bad.
The UN could demand to step in and police the middle east but they haven't the resources needed and clearly that is a tangent to explore later.
As stoked as I was with the Arab Spring its loose ideals and many focal points I had to wonder like some others if this wasn't somehow manipulated by the West.
I doubt it but certainly we aided and influenced these people in the sharing of our experiences via western technology.
More important than having a flow of technology to the third world was of course the flow of images back to the first..
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the dead pile up in Syria |
Even without setting foot on Arab soil you can see what shape these societies have formed independent of their ruler of the day.
Any governing body in any of these Arab countries will have throw backs to the old school.
The old cultural mores will fight with or supersede the individuals rights.
This makes some sense in that all of these countries have in living memory been ruled by an outside force or a autocracy/monarchy. None have had a real democracy and so where do you turn to?
Sure as fuck won't be anyone involved with the old regime so you go with the guy who is backed by your cleric.
It's a generalization but the trend seems to be going toward the Islamist party which as pointed out makes sense.
Of these newly freed countries few will try to adopt or maintain a strong separation of religion and state, the only ones that will be able to do that will be ones that are taken over by the Army....one oppressor for another.
Speaking of despotic maniacal oppressive rulers who really need some major screw tightening!
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Real? Don't know but it is funny |
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this is real -Il |
Kim Jong-Il
He has the UniTed States smacking the table as they demand he stop trying to develop nuclear weapons.
All joking aside, this guy shouldn't have a kite to fly let alone an army to control!
But lucky us he is reported to be ill and sanctions are placed against Korea.
Spoiler Alert! He passes away before the year's end (19th of December) Even though Jong-Il is physically gone
Korea will figure large in the 2012 headlines.
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Pres.Ali Abdullah Saleh |
In June he finally fucks off
President Saleh, much the same as Mubarak, leaves his country of Yemen.
Me thinks in the hands of the military but this region of the world will receive the least amount of attention by the west so
what happens in Yemen
by and large stays in Yemen!
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first world problems |
I could not get over the contrast between
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Cairo,Egypt 2011 |
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Tahrir sq. 2011 |
There is half of the year time to write a few other posts and finish the year....maybe.
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