Ron Paul I love you man!
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Ron Paul,, the likable uncle. |
What I did get wind of and I am surprised and not surprised at the same time was a tally of the debaters facts, were they right or wrong in the debate.
Ron Paul came out front and I can't remember which boob was second. None of that is central to this post.
I sat here and thought about Mr. Paul's style and wondered what keeps him from losing it on one of these buffoons?
Santorum is the next best thing to Paul but I fear it is simply because the media hasn't tracked him long or hard enough to find that he is as dull C-span on a Sunday. He looks like a lost boy in a shopping mall somewhat terrified but wanting to look all grown up. I see it right away on his website where it boasts "Rick Santorum the true conservative". Ron Paul's site "Help restore America now with a common sense constitutional government"
Note the huge difference in those two leading statements, one selling an emotion and the other selling an idea.
Back to Ron Paul though and what I envisioned as a perfect tactic.
When Rick Perry or Git Romney spew off another dumb ass incorrect, easily fact checked fact that in fact isn't factual, he should calmly walk the mic to center stage and say to the caucus, "Folks it is people like these that make me two things, one fearful that they will have the top job and two it makes me more committed to bringing some intelligence to the republican leadership.
Ron Paul faces a major problem in that he does not appeal to dumb voters. He doesn't have enough zing for MSM to follow him after all he doesn't exude the energy of a tweaker right after payday like Nit Romney, is it me or is he glazed?
He isn't the bigger than life Texan nor is he a Cassanova like the pizza guy.
BTW side note on retail corporations and who goes up the ladder? The bigger the ass hole the higher you'll rise, just sayin.
But from way up here in my northern home I see Ron Paul's biggest problem is not "getting" to the white house but not being assassinated right after taking office. If he touches one gold plated screw on the hinges of the doors to the Fed, as he has campaigned, he will be dead.
The people who control that corporation will not see it legislated into oblivion.
I know, I know another conspiracy theory, well it is a theory that Lincoln was shot for the same thing so I will take the hit that I am a smokin gun sort of guy.
All joking aside Ron Paul won't have to worry about it, he will be kept back and the redumbicans will vote for the nicer smile.
I wish Ron Paul would win and then win the white house mainly to see how much shit he can stir up, now wait a minute that's what I said about Obama and he barely dipped the spoon in the shit pot.
Wholly crap I just thought of why I like Paul so much...he isn't in bed with every major bank in the country. He doesn't have a business degree nor is he a lawyer, he is not a dumb ass like Bush but he is not an unapproachable intellectual.
I want to shoot myself for using it but he is a "Simple country Doctor" or your favorite uncle.
I wish Ron Paul the best of luck and if elected to office I hope he does what he has set out to do.
If that happens I hope twice as much that I am just another conspiracy nut.
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