Both of them
One of my favorite speculative fiction franchises has been the Star Trek series. It brought color TV into our home! He's got a flat screen now! He's in a hurry cause Breaking Bad is on. My Pops was a hard assed hold out on the "new" technology because he figured there just wasn't that much color on the TV anyway and he could just imagine what the colors were so why 86 a perfectly good B+W set for a color one? Back in the day it was "Sony? Who?" In 1966 or 67 our Black and White Zenith television went to a better place. The family, at least as far as I was concerned, was going to a better place too. We were going to my Grandparent's farm! Gramps long after the farm was gone. Man I loved the farm, it didn't matter the time of year in fact I 'm not sure what time of year it was on this particular journey but it I do know it was dusk when we pulled off of highway 7 and up to a sleepy gas station in Buttfuck Saskatchewan. As...