Quebec Students in the streets.

Winter is over but the students of Quebec are still discontent and as usual Main Stream Media give the bare minimum of facts. Matter of fact the only fact seems to be that tuition's had to rise and the students didn't like it. So typical of news today where the story is generally still born from a lack of nutrition and that would be facts and possibilities. If you take in only the headlines then you probably think that these students should buck up and realize that the cost of everything has gone up and you'd think being students they'd know that: if the government needs money to grab they will take it from the least vocal taxpayers...the student, kids and the elderly. Without reading anything I see what the fuss is about. Without looking to deep I see that this is big and right now I wish I knew French. I haven't read a word not one word and I think I see their point. If it is not what the students are saying then this is completely my opinion but...