History=Nostalgia destroyed by facts.

Well something I never really thought about has come to me today!
I went through the archives of this blog and started to connect a space in time with blog posts. 
Not because of the subject matter so much as the mental picture of me alone in a dark here or there typing something that no one would ever read relating to the things happening in my life at the time.
Can you beat that? I blog in jammie pants!
thanx Deb 4 the photo.
Hmmmm which brings me to another thought.
Moments ago I had 110+ posts but the blog started to be read about 30 posts ago.
This means a few really good posts are not going to be read by the current viewers.
Yet there they are, these posts that create a history, a record of stuff that I have thought or felt for the past 2 years or maybe a bit more. Lots of it is just cryptodoodling, some of it has been mind expanding for myself and maybe I have caused at least a few to ponder.
In the end the thing I never thought would be is, the blog matters to me and so posts come slower as I go over and edit the thoughts written down.
To end this post I'll make an admission of self marketing! I plan to re-edit some posts from the past and hopefully bring them from the past to today in an improved way.
Love and Peace to you.
GK Hildebrand


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