Quebec Students in the streets.
Winter is over but the students of Quebec are still discontent and as usual Main Stream Media give the bare minimum of facts. Matter of fact the only fact seems to be that tuition's had to rise and the students didn't like it. So typical of news today where the story is generally still born from a lack of nutrition and that would be facts and possibilities.
If you take in only the headlines then you probably think that these students should buck up and realize that the cost of everything has gone up and you'd think being students they'd know that: if the government needs money to grab they will take it from the least vocal taxpayers...the student, kids and the elderly.
Without reading anything I see what the fuss is about.
Without looking to deep I see that this is big and right now I wish I knew French.
I haven't read a word not one word and I think I see their point.
If it is not what the students are saying then this is completely my opinion but here we go anyway.
We have industry leaders still yammering about how we will need skilled trades and professionals in this country yet not many years ago the industry leaders decided to water down apprenticeship programs telling the government and public that during times of unemployment we need austerity and education is nothing but a cost to the taxpayer.
Then a few years later they start on this kick of not having enough skilled labor etc. Could you make up your mind?
The Canadian public will end up paying for what these corporations make, sounds like tripe but it aint.
We will pay some very high costs for education, graduate and have no skilled job to go to. One reason for this is that industry doesn't know from one day to the next as to what is going on nationally but has to sound sort of smart so they make proclamations that no one argues with because they are there with our best interest clutched to their bosom.
Yes folks it's JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, if I hear how these fat fucking companies make the world turn one more time I am going to start swearing!
These entities create money first and foremost and the very last thing on their agenda is CASH!
You and your stupid job mean NOTHING to a corporation, your kids your family your community are nothing but a platform for a corporation to suck more out of you.
Of course corporate industry would say I have it all wrong, OKie dOKie I have it wrong so why don't you kick in to tuitions to drive them down. Well the tax system probably gives a better return on money used for a building than the actual operation of the institution. Of course there are a huge amount of grants that are given out to specific departments with specific requirements for the student to meet from generous donors available to a much hugeer student population.
Doesn't matter if something makes sense or that it is a less disruptive or safer it is always argued by corporate industry in terms of dollars rather than overall good.
I know they must bring a return for the shareholders and that brings me to a stalemate a dead end, the proverbial brick frickin wall. After all it is the capital from the shareholders that drives the corporation, really, I don't think so. What the shareholder does after the infancy of a larger company is to make it into a zombie killer dog.
Corporations tell us that they bring prosperity and wealth TO a community yet they all seem to want this concession or that road or an easement of that regulation so in the end they TELL the public that in order to work you must PAY ME! And when it suits them they are gone and you are not back where you started but actually as a community you are often further back.
We are told by government leaders and industry leaders that we are stupid, far too dumb to understand the complicated business of business. I would suggest that perhaps it's too complicated even for them, really, when you have companies as large as GM and Dodge saying they will fold if the public doesn't help out?
Oh you were out to make money in the stock market maybe, got a bit greedy and it went south?
Still got a fat paycheck for being asleep, fuck, comatose while the competition kicked you in the nuts?
But the person who got the easy mortgage and defaults because the plant shut down is fore closed?
Let's not get me going on the financial sector!
The Canadian Government has done the same for these same corporations and they have bungled huge sums through mismanagement and scandal yet they still have their jobs?
This is so like beating a dead horse the solutions are not as complicated as some would have you believe but if the future for you is an iphone 6G or the Quad with a 400hp motor or a house that comes out to 300sqft per person if you love being a consumer and that is your top priority then things get complicated.
Actually there have been many peaceful protests here's a good timeline of the conflict
The students in Quebec have a disadvantage in that only a part of the message is getting out. for more info.
These are not stupid people they know they have the lowest tuition in the country but that is not the point, the point is that this Government has to invest heavily in the people of this country not in the desires of some face less corporations whose total sum of true goodness is suspect.
Sure we have to be diplomatic to business but business not to corporations they are in the end callous so the treatment to them should be one in the same.
Keyano College is a case in point on the callous nature of these entities and how pencil jockeys work to undermine programs that they don't like.
" Keyano says the increasingly low enrolment in several programs prompted a restructuring of funds and rethinking of the curriculum, which it articulated in an open letter posted on its website and Facebook page to dispute claims made on the Internet by students and arts advocates." -the complete story
While the science and engineering departments were lavished with money from big oil the arts department languished in the same clothes it had worn probably close to opening day.
I know a bit about the proceedings before it was news because I was in fact one of the last students to attend the Music Instrument Repair program there. I knew the tendency of the board was to keep funding flat on an accountancy basis and in that they have done a good job but the community a huge disservice.
Creative solutions could have been found to actually make the arts department a marginal money maker but you do not ask for creativity from accountants and increasingly we are run by them, DIRECTLY.
In reality we will bet on the promise of JOBS JOBS JOBS and few bucks in the pocket until there are no Jobs and then we will wait for Jobs because we have to live, if work does not come?
The next question for me is the Morality of the work you do.
If you take in only the headlines then you probably think that these students should buck up and realize that the cost of everything has gone up and you'd think being students they'd know that: if the government needs money to grab they will take it from the least vocal taxpayers...the student, kids and the elderly.
Without reading anything I see what the fuss is about.
Without looking to deep I see that this is big and right now I wish I knew French.
I haven't read a word not one word and I think I see their point.
If it is not what the students are saying then this is completely my opinion but here we go anyway.
We have industry leaders still yammering about how we will need skilled trades and professionals in this country yet not many years ago the industry leaders decided to water down apprenticeship programs telling the government and public that during times of unemployment we need austerity and education is nothing but a cost to the taxpayer.
Then a few years later they start on this kick of not having enough skilled labor etc. Could you make up your mind?
The Canadian public will end up paying for what these corporations make, sounds like tripe but it aint.
We will pay some very high costs for education, graduate and have no skilled job to go to. One reason for this is that industry doesn't know from one day to the next as to what is going on nationally but has to sound sort of smart so they make proclamations that no one argues with because they are there with our best interest clutched to their bosom.
Yes folks it's JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, if I hear how these fat fucking companies make the world turn one more time I am going to start swearing!
These entities create money first and foremost and the very last thing on their agenda is CASH!
You and your stupid job mean NOTHING to a corporation, your kids your family your community are nothing but a platform for a corporation to suck more out of you.
Of course corporate industry would say I have it all wrong, OKie dOKie I have it wrong so why don't you kick in to tuitions to drive them down. Well the tax system probably gives a better return on money used for a building than the actual operation of the institution. Of course there are a huge amount of grants that are given out to specific departments with specific requirements for the student to meet from generous donors available to a much hugeer student population.
Doesn't matter if something makes sense or that it is a less disruptive or safer it is always argued by corporate industry in terms of dollars rather than overall good.
I know they must bring a return for the shareholders and that brings me to a stalemate a dead end, the proverbial brick frickin wall. After all it is the capital from the shareholders that drives the corporation, really, I don't think so. What the shareholder does after the infancy of a larger company is to make it into a zombie killer dog.
Corporations tell us that they bring prosperity and wealth TO a community yet they all seem to want this concession or that road or an easement of that regulation so in the end they TELL the public that in order to work you must PAY ME! And when it suits them they are gone and you are not back where you started but actually as a community you are often further back.
We are told by government leaders and industry leaders that we are stupid, far too dumb to understand the complicated business of business. I would suggest that perhaps it's too complicated even for them, really, when you have companies as large as GM and Dodge saying they will fold if the public doesn't help out?
Oh you were out to make money in the stock market maybe, got a bit greedy and it went south?
Still got a fat paycheck for being asleep, fuck, comatose while the competition kicked you in the nuts?
But the person who got the easy mortgage and defaults because the plant shut down is fore closed?
Let's not get me going on the financial sector!
The Canadian Government has done the same for these same corporations and they have bungled huge sums through mismanagement and scandal yet they still have their jobs?
This is so like beating a dead horse the solutions are not as complicated as some would have you believe but if the future for you is an iphone 6G or the Quad with a 400hp motor or a house that comes out to 300sqft per person if you love being a consumer and that is your top priority then things get complicated.
But back to the students for a moment.
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They're French that's why it looks like a party. |
The students in Quebec have a disadvantage in that only a part of the message is getting out. for more info.
These are not stupid people they know they have the lowest tuition in the country but that is not the point, the point is that this Government has to invest heavily in the people of this country not in the desires of some face less corporations whose total sum of true goodness is suspect.
Sure we have to be diplomatic to business but business not to corporations they are in the end callous so the treatment to them should be one in the same.
Keyano College is a case in point on the callous nature of these entities and how pencil jockeys work to undermine programs that they don't like.
" Keyano says the increasingly low enrolment in several programs prompted a restructuring of funds and rethinking of the curriculum, which it articulated in an open letter posted on its website and Facebook page to dispute claims made on the Internet by students and arts advocates." -the complete story
While the science and engineering departments were lavished with money from big oil the arts department languished in the same clothes it had worn probably close to opening day.
I know a bit about the proceedings before it was news because I was in fact one of the last students to attend the Music Instrument Repair program there. I knew the tendency of the board was to keep funding flat on an accountancy basis and in that they have done a good job but the community a huge disservice.
Creative solutions could have been found to actually make the arts department a marginal money maker but you do not ask for creativity from accountants and increasingly we are run by them, DIRECTLY.
In reality we will bet on the promise of JOBS JOBS JOBS and few bucks in the pocket until there are no Jobs and then we will wait for Jobs because we have to live, if work does not come?
The next question for me is the Morality of the work you do.
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