Finally I am marching to my own beat!
All of this gear I would record with but never figured out how to mixdown and have my songs ready to listen to except through the project file on my computer.
Not that I am stupid I just never took enough time to read the manual. Always living a face paced life with work (yeech) being of paramount importance. So for years, 4 to be precise, I would put all the tracks down for a tune and never be able to properly share them. To explain would take a while but I will say that I found ways around my ignorance or maybe more accurate my stubornance and still had other peoples stuff put to cd. Never properly mixed but at least I had a signal go to disc.
If I used an analogy it would be like a painter never having a finished piece to show. He would go into a room and paint a masterpiece and the only place he could show others this great work would be in that room and the possibility of it being slightly to very different each time would be great.
This was depressing and made it so that I did not want to continue on with music, besides my songs suck, NOT. I thought about getting some instruction/training in regard to the recording software that I use.
Being an autodidact I shy away from this course of logical action and struggle on trying to figure it all out. Afterall there is so much more satisfaction being frustrated and blue than being informed by another person. This is not really true the stumbling block truly was that I had not found an economical way of getting instruction. This is not a common past time it isn't like you could go to your nieghbor and ask him as you might when needing to fix a leaky faucett. The other factor was the green, the herb, ganga, chron. I have been forced to give it up as I am immobile with my shattered foot! Add to that my aversion to day time TV and we have a great combo: sobriety and boredom.
I went into the PDF that has the manual for this program (the fucker has to be 6000000 pages long) and painstakingly went over each chapter looking for the info I needed.
Amazingly I found it!
The nugget of info that had kept me from full potential was mined from the page apon page of technical stuff that made up this manual. I could see myself with a grammy in hand and a hot smart brunette hanging off of me thinking I was a music god.
To be clear I have no such aspirations and really am not much into mythology of any sort.
No my goal is to be able to share these tunes with fellow musicians and more importantly my three daughters. After that it is all gravy.
When I figure out more of this technology (yes I will use the manuals provided) I will post a music video or two. This will bring me to the next very scary hurdle, giving public access to my creative fruit. Jezz that sounds perved but you probably know what I mean.
So I would like to thank not the academy but the folks at Adobe and the folks at Steinberg for creating the tools that allow me march to my own beat!
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