Lethbridge, the Daughters and the Gig!

I am going down to Lethbridge today to visit my daughters, the darlings are pictured above.
Of course they are much older than the picture here, sorry girls for implying that you are in anyway old.
My middle daughter Taya (the one pictured on the left) is in a band with her Mom and they wondered if I would come down to work sound for the band, as if I would say no.
I get to meet with my good friend Harlan, see the band, visit the Daughters and take in the small town ambiance of Lethbridge.
I have fallen in love with that place the affair started long before they were born. For some reason I have had a connection with the place even before I had met my exwife. It is strange because I had visited the town but once yet it was in my dreams.
As I was getting to know this woman named Donna Donnelly, who later became my Wife, I had a very vivid dream in which I was at a bar and we were at opposite ends of the room. I was on stage and she was at the back I motioned for her to come up and she shook her head and left.
This dream as stupid as it may sound led us to getting married. 18 years later we were separated and she moved to Lethbridge my kids followed. It says something to having a proper interpretation of the crap that floats around in the subconscious mind.
I will attempt to get photos of the event and post them later. So in an hour or two I will be off to Lethbridge, the Daughters and the Gig!
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