Do I have to grow up now?

OMGosh........I got a call while I was up in the hinterland of Saskatchewan. I thought it was going to be the normal "Daddy I love you and was thinking of you." type of call. The message left by my eldest was the normal "call me at home." so what else would I think? It wasn't, it was that news that most parents are waiting to hear. Now mind you I have been waiting sometime now for a message of "Hey I am enrolled in college/university", but I knew that was not happening anytime soon so I thought it was the first one. It's a call I get usually once a month at least. But no it was "Guess're going to be a Grandpa!". I don't have the type to express the joy I have in my heart at this news! Here I will try to convey the emotion using the keyboard. #@!. OK that comes up as a link, don't click on it or you might end up with homeland security knocking at your door! I have only one tiny downside to t...