
Showing posts from March, 2010

Do I have to grow up now?

OMGosh........I got a call while I was up in the hinterland of Saskatchewan. I thought it was going to be the normal "Daddy I love you and was thinking of you." type of call. The message left by my eldest was the normal "call me at home." so what else would I think? It wasn't, it was that news that most parents are waiting to hear. Now mind you I have been waiting sometime now for a message of "Hey I am enrolled in college/university", but I knew that was not happening anytime soon so I thought it was the first one. It's a call I get usually once a month at least. But no it was "Guess're going to be a Grandpa!". I don't have the type to express the joy I have in my heart at this news! Here I will try to convey the emotion using the keyboard. #@!. OK that comes up as a link, don't click on it or you might end up with homeland security knocking at your door! I have only one tiny downside to t...

Annie get your guns.

The debate rages, actually simmers, here in Canada over the visit of the conservative pin-up girl A. Coulter. The question has been posed as to whether this bag of nonsensical wind should have the right to have a public platform to speak on. The question is not a hard or convoluted one but to give an answer might be. From what I have viewed over the last few years I see a growing neo-fascism in the conservative rank and file. Fascism works through fear, emotional spewing of tirades with little factual base, then hate. It only works when the fascist has victory over the supposed evil amongst us. This is the reason why debate is not an option, losing one shows the underlying weakness of the irrational fear feed to the populace. Should A.Coulter be allowed to speak publicly? Of course she should just not in a venue. Give the girl a corner to stand on and she can rant and rave like the rest of the crazies. Some have said that she deserves the right to free speech, her speeches are NOT FREE...

My apologies.

Ok the pic is not me, it is of a friend of mine. Don't tell him that I am going to have his legs broken so I can take his job. Just kidding Tim, love ya too much. So I am working on music again so I will not be around much. My apologies.

Oh I do hate spending!

Some people have skeletons in thier closets. You know they "inhaled" or didn't, "I thought she was 18", some little thing in the past that comes around to bite you in the balls. Well I had not one or two but a family of them come out today! OK, it wasn't anything perverse, not that I haved lived as a saint (I'll never run for public office), just two fines that had to be paid before I could have my DL renewed. JUST I jest, these were unjust tickets, I wanted to point that out to the court and have them waive at least one of them. I won't get into the details of why I recieved these fines, I'll only say that it did not involve anyone underage or nudity, as I said nothing perverse. The thing is that the citation was written in a town very far from where I am living now and in order to fight the charges I had to appear in the local courthouse of where the offences were written up. I was baffled as to why this would be, I decided to ask, "We hav...

free creative space?

It is kind of frustrating, I know it is becoming a reoccurring theme, that I have such little time to record vocals here. My Ma and Pa are good folk but the don't get the creative thing. They insist that lunch be spot on at 12 noon and dinner no later than 6:05pm if you say be there in a minute it is the devil talking , never dare say that you aren't hungry, and heaven forbid that you ask them to leave you alone and don't bother me for the next 4 hours. They would be pissed at my cheek. I am nice about it, I don't go into piss fits, but they don't get that this "hobby" is not as easy as they think it is. They have visions of Elvis in film where he does some number seemingly impromptu, unrehearsed and note for note perfect. They don't understand fully that to do my music I don't want the bug in the back of my head that any minute Mom will be down stairs to rummage through the freezer, which would be fine but often she stands looking at my back while...

One er two beer.

So I had a rant last post and I have not been ranting since I started blogging. Weel except for a comment on Huffington, or mashable can't remember about Dave Letterman's Top Ten he did on twittering. I made list of ten reason's why you don't watch LNWDL. It wasn't any worse than a TTL that he would make except for two of them, which referenced Dave's limp dick and Paul Scaffers impending senility, the rest were pretty funny. Well maybe the one about not watching because you spend your evenings humping someone you found on facebook was weak but the top reason I thought made up for all of the bad ones. The number one reason-You only watched the show for the top ten list but now you get to hear it on the radio on the way to work. The kicker is that I don't even tweet but do despise big Dave. OK anyway! I must be sexually frustrated I should be more Buddha like and get away from the hormone thing. I am over 50 for gosh sakes, then again I am not a eunuch, but ...

yet another dating site.

I have promised myself that I would not go on dating sites EVER again. That was about a year ago and a few days ago I broke that promise! There are mitigating circumstances,honest injun,like boredom and,to be nice, I miss the feel of someone being close. Yeah I had a wave of hormones rush through my body which short circuited my thought processes. I decided to try an alt dating site and man what a train wreck! I have logged onto POF, it is really too ordinary, FF, it is a meat show with non of the protein, Adc which turned into FF but worse. So I thought to try this new alt dating site FL. A really nicely laid out site but it is just too weird and I am not talking about the level of kink but the attitude of the participants. It isn't a date site it is a club. By that I mean if you are new you will have to wade through the usual dogma and shite best left for the insecure and desperate. I don't have the energy to br posting banal shit day after day to score big with the genpop t...

I love TED.

No I am not gay even if my exwife says so! I have been addicted to this site and for those who have an inquiring mind beyond what goes on in Hollywood this si a great site full of video on a wide range of topics with a stellar cast of speakers. The past three posts deal with happiness and might be of interest to some of you. So get some coffee and take a look at Happiness! You might see why I love TED.

Srikumar Rao: Plug into your hard-wired happiness | Video on

This is the first video on that which we all seek. Happiness :) If you have a slow computer like mine it does tend to stop to load but still is a very good talk on the way we concieve happiness Srikumar Rao: Plug into your hard-wired happiness | Video on

I need to use my "guy"!

No photos this time as I am computer challenged. At the start of the week my computer went down and I had someone "new" fix it for me. What a mifuckinstake that was!!!!!! I have a guy in the city who cleans my box of all the porny type of problems that I might have and he has done other work for me always and I mean he always comes through for me. About two years ago I brought him my GF's box er computer and he could have soaked me because it was shutting down and I figured it was an overheating problem, which it was, but he shorted out the mother board when he took out the cooling fan. He could have said "hey man your fan was bad and it screwed your mother board" but no he fessed up and charged me for the fan and at a cut rate to boot. I decided this time to try a "local yocal" and I have had nothing but problems since. I am sure the guy can install windows or something simple,,,,WAIT this was super simple, I couldn't get on the net and otherwise ...

North of 49: Making music!

North of 49: Making music!

Making music!

I will be writing less over the next little bit so I can get some recording done. A tedious process in someways but the end result makes it all worthwhile. At least a person hopes it is worth listening to. I am still ill equipped to do proper drum tracks and this is the part that takes soooooo much time. My first effort is probably listed in the side bar. It has a you tube title of "roads end" check it out if you like. Ok please check it out, I beg you pleeeease! There are you happy now, you've made me beg, shall I cry too? Whats better than trolling the Internet? Lots of things really one of them is making music.

A new title

It was time to change headings. Not in the direction sense but I read the blog "a view from the hill" and it was not a sympaitco sort of thing between us besides why have two blogs with the same name and since it was started before mine the only Canadian thing to do was to bow out. The header suggests a geographic location which is correct but it also has as much to do with my age which is most certainly north of 49 by a few, not many but a few. I almost got a smile out of me! So here I go with a new title.

The war of words which time helped win.

No photos on this one. The reason for that is....oh maybe further in I will have some sort of inspiration but for now text will have to do. So I did it...the test, entrance exam, fuck up filter. However you put it was a sweat creating, tremor causing nightmare for me. Really it shouldn't be, my enlishg is passable although I throw the gramatic rule book out the window on occasion and my spelling is sometimes ifey but I have been in the same lingual stream for my whole life. Perhaps it's because it's been 18 years since I have had the halls of higher education under my feet, well foot in my case. 8 of those using a computer with spell check...hmmm maybe Dad was right in saying that the puter is a demon feeding on our minds. Sorry Dad that is another blog. So in I hobble with my crutches to the library of the local college and was immediately greeted by Patty, a very nice lady librarian a few years younger than me, with a smile she said "You must be Gordon, I will be in...

Going for the test!

Well I am nervous and can't relax. In a few hours I will be taking the entrance exam for college!!!!!!! Yes they want to verify that I have some skills in anglesh. I can understand considering that when I lived in Ft. McMisery I had a friend who would go in and take GED's for guys who can barely spell their names. Yep he'd get up to $1000.00, yes One Thousand Dollars, to do the exams for guys getting into courses at the same college that I am applying to. He had a good thing going but of course he could only do it once. It was a real process as he had to fake the guy's ID. It was interesting to watch my friend take a DL of the person who should be taking the test and put one of his photos on it. The invigilator for the test could tell that it was fake if he took the time to look. Lucky for my buddy this didn't happen. Anyway wish me luck...I'm going for a new career by going for the test.

So that's Hinduism

drawing from The third largest religion is varied in devotional practise and is noted to be one which is very tolerant of other religious beliefs. Followers may be devoted to Vishnu or Shiva others look inward to the Atman or divine self. Almost all Hindu's recognise the Supreme reality which is Brahman, the unifying principle of all that is. However, there are some beliefs common to nearly all forms of Hinduism that can be identified, and these basic beliefs are generally regarded as boundaries outside of which lies either heresy or non-Hindu religion at the same time other religions have some of these in their beliefs notably a transmigrated soul (reincarnation) and the effect of karma (works or deeds) . The distinction can be made in the authority of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests). It is said that the religions age is unknown as is the name of the originator. I have a feeling that an existing religion from the Indu...

If it's asexual I can call him my son!

Hipstercrite a Post about mannequins, she was talking about baby ones, this is about my big boy! Here's my boy, he lives in the garage during the winter. He's so glad to have a visit from me! Don't talk about the head injury he is sensitive about the crack in his head and no crack in his butt. He was in peices after the accident but a bit of tape, glue and TLC made him whole again. It took a few minutes but when he realized he was with loving people and not some nasty retailer he jumped for joy! He loves staying in the garden keeping the birds and cats out of it. What a smart lad! He really enjoyed Halloween he was out before the other kids in the neighborhood. He loved it so much that he stayed out all night! So what if it is asexual, gosh I hope he doesn't read this. If it's asexual I can call him my son!