Oh I do hate spending!

Some people have skeletons in thier closets. You know they "inhaled" or didn't, "I thought she was 18", some little thing in the past that comes around to bite you in the balls. Well I had not one or two but a family of them come out today!
OK, it wasn't anything perverse, not that I haved lived as a saint (I'll never run for public office), just two fines that had to be paid before I could have my DL renewed.
JUST I jest, these were unjust tickets, I wanted to point that out to the court and have them waive at least one of them. I won't get into the details of why I recieved these fines, I'll only say that it did not involve anyone underage or nudity, as I said nothing perverse.
The thing is that the citation was written in a town very far from where I am living now and in order to fight the charges I had to appear in the local courthouse of where the offences were written up.
I was baffled as to why this would be, I decided to ask, "We have to see the original report made by the officer"! Huh! So scan the friggin document and "Our database cannot take digital images" WHAT THE F%#K!
The lady I was talking to was being calm as I was being sort of calm. I asked why they have technology that is from the late 80's, she calmly told me that some one could appear at the appointed court by proxy. Right I'll just go to the phone book and pick a random name to be my proxy. "Sir there is no need to be like that these are the rules". I had a response for that but thought better of busting into a tirade about the dumb asses in government . She gave me another option and at first it sounded promising, until we came to the same point as before where I would spend 300 bucks to go up north to fight a 250 buck ticket. The other fine was also from some other town, even though that town was closer, time was an issue as I need my DL for this weekend.
So the fourth option is to suck it up, pay the fines, get my drivers renewed.
I wanted to spend that money on something useful but hopefully it might go towards these dicks entering into the 21st century, of course that will not happen. We need more hockey arenas and nicer leather chairs for the dumb ass political leaders to sit on. Why would they bother becoming efficient! They hate spending money on useless things as much as I do.
Oh I do hate spending!
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