If it's asexual I can call him my son!

Hipstercrite http://hipstercrite.blogspot.com/had a Post about mannequins, she was talking about baby ones, this is about my big boy!

Here's my boy, he lives in the garage during the winter. He's so glad to have a visit from me! Don't talk about the head injury he is sensitive about the crack in his head and no crack in his butt.

He was in peices after the accident but a bit of tape, glue and TLC made him whole again. It took a few minutes but when he realized he was with loving people and not some nasty retailer he jumped for joy! He loves staying in the garden keeping the birds and cats out of it. What a smart lad!

He really enjoyed Halloween he was out before the other kids in the neighborhood. He loved it so much that he stayed out all night!

So what if it is asexual, gosh I hope he doesn't read this. If it's asexual I can call him my son!


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