So that's Hinduism

The third largest religion is varied in devotional practise and is noted to be one which is very tolerant of other religious beliefs. Followers may be devoted to Vishnu or Shiva others look inward to the Atman or divine self. Almost all Hindu's recognise the Supreme reality which is Brahman, the unifying principle of all that is.
However, there are some beliefs common to nearly all forms of Hinduism that can be identified, and these basic beliefs are generally regarded as boundaries outside of which lies either heresy or non-Hindu religion at the same time other religions have some of these in their beliefs notably a transmigrated soul (reincarnation) and the effect of karma (works or deeds) . The distinction can be made in the authority of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests). It is said that the religions age is unknown as is the name of the originator. I have a feeling that an existing religion from the Indus Valley was mixed with Zoroastrianism which came from Persia. My biggest problem with Hinduism is the lingering doctrine of caste also the subjugation of women. Both of these are said to not be part of the main doctrines but is dogma. This is what I want to avoid hard to do it seems. Next up would be the off shoots of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

However, there are some beliefs common to nearly all forms of Hinduism that can be identified, and these basic beliefs are generally regarded as boundaries outside of which lies either heresy or non-Hindu religion at the same time other religions have some of these in their beliefs notably a transmigrated soul (reincarnation) and the effect of karma (works or deeds) . The distinction can be made in the authority of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests). It is said that the religions age is unknown as is the name of the originator. I have a feeling that an existing religion from the Indus Valley was mixed with Zoroastrianism which came from Persia. My biggest problem with Hinduism is the lingering doctrine of caste also the subjugation of women. Both of these are said to not be part of the main doctrines but is dogma. This is what I want to avoid hard to do it seems. Next up would be the off shoots of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

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