Going for the test!

Well I am nervous and can't relax. In a few hours I will be taking the entrance exam for college!!!!!!!
Yes they want to verify that I have some skills in anglesh. I can understand considering that when I lived in Ft. McMisery I had a friend who would go in and take GED's for guys who can barely spell their names. Yep he'd get up to $1000.00, yes One Thousand Dollars, to do the exams for guys getting into courses at the same college that I am applying to.
He had a good thing going but of course he could only do it once. It was a real process as he had to fake the guy's ID. It was interesting to watch my friend take a DL of the person who should be taking the test and put one of his photos on it. The invigilator for the test could tell that it was fake if he took the time to look. Lucky for my buddy this didn't happen.
Anyway wish me luck...I'm going for a new career by going for the test.
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