yet another dating site.

I have promised myself that I would not go on dating sites EVER again. That was about a year ago and a few days ago I broke that promise! There are mitigating circumstances,honest injun,like boredom and,to be nice, I miss the feel of someone being close. Yeah I had a wave of hormones rush through my body which short circuited my thought processes.
I decided to try an alt dating site and man what a train wreck!
I have logged onto POF, it is really too ordinary, FF, it is a meat show with non of the protein, Adc which turned into FF but worse.
So I thought to try this new alt dating site FL. A really nicely laid out site but it is just too weird and I am not talking about the level of kink but the attitude of the participants. It isn't a date site it is a club.
By that I mean if you are new you will have to wade through the usual dogma and shite best left for the insecure and desperate.
I don't have the energy to br posting banal shit day after day to score big with the genpop to have friends on my page in order to have enough cred to take a woman out. WTF would I be doing on a dating site if I wanted friends? I would be on a friends site like FB which is banal in it's own right. So what to do?
It would be somewhat different if I were in a big city but being in buttfuck nowhere is a little hard on a normal guy. Still I should look at the positive and remember that I have my health and some interests beyond gaining freinds on a social site, yeah look at where I am spending my time right now! At least this site doesn't have numbers for people who have viewed you, I pretty much know very few have ever read the stuff I write, so I can say what I want and be free to be here or not. It doesn't make a difference here, unless you want to monetize your blog, I am not into making a bunch of cyber friends just want to be me as I define ME.


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