free creative space?

It is kind of frustrating, I know it is becoming a reoccurring theme, that I have such little time to record vocals here. My Ma and Pa are good folk but the don't get the creative thing. They insist that lunch be spot on at 12 noon and dinner no later than 6:05pm if you say be there in a minute it is the devil talking , never dare say that you aren't hungry, and heaven forbid that you ask them to leave you alone and don't bother me for the next 4 hours. They would be pissed at my cheek.
I am nice about it, I don't go into piss fits, but they don't get that this "hobby" is not as easy as they think it is. They have visions of Elvis in film where he does some number seemingly impromptu, unrehearsed and note for note perfect.
They don't understand fully that to do my music I don't want the bug in the back of my head that any minute Mom will be down stairs to rummage through the freezer, which would be fine but often she stands looking at my back while I play till I feel her presence, or to yell down "dinner in 5 mins" I answer and if I'm not there in 2 minutes I get a recall.
They don't understand fully that to do my music I don't want the bug in the back of my head that any minute Mom will be down stairs to rummage through the freezer, which would be fine but often she stands looking at my back while I play till I feel her presence, or to yell down "dinner in 5 mins" I answer and if I'm not there in 2 minutes I get a recall.
I do love the old geezers but they do put a cramp on my style.
That is all in general and I can handle it most days. The hard one specifically is to try and put down vocal tracks. I can not do them with my Mom stomping around at will upstairs or Dad coughing or listening to the TV at 90 decibels.
I have one three hour window every week to do vocals, sometimes I don't get that sometimes I get more, every Sunday morning when they go to church. If the vocals are not going well it means I might get nothing usable at all and then wait for another week to do something that I feel is worth mixing down.

I have one three hour window every week to do vocals, sometimes I don't get that sometimes I get more, every Sunday morning when they go to church. If the vocals are not going well it means I might get nothing usable at all and then wait for another week to do something that I feel is worth mixing down.
I makes me wonder if someone out there might be able to offer a free creative space.
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